
As I lern to implement the state-of-the-art techniques in this buzz field called Machine Learning, I would like to share it with the rest of the world. Feel free to create issues and contribute more to this repo. Goal is to make it one stop repository to pick any kind of model that end-user needs. This can only be acheived with your support. Thanks, Aravind Kashyap

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


As I lern to implement the state-of-the-art techniques in this buzz field called Machine Learning, I would like to share it with the rest of the world. Feel free to create issues and contribute more to this repo.

Goal is to make it one stop repository reference to any machine learning algorithm with ready python and R codes.

How To Contribute to This Project

Here are 3 quick and painless steps to contribute to this project:

  • Add a program in any language. (A simple Hello World would suffice.) To do so, first create an issue with the task you are doing, for example: "Issue - creating bubble sort in C". Add the HacktoberFest label in the issue and assign the issue to yourself. Create a pull request in response to that issue and finally submit it for review.

  • Name your branch username_hello_world_in_c.

    Also create a directory for any new program if it doesn't exist. eg. hello_world, bubble_sort. Inside these directories you can create your own file named program_name.language_extension (hello_world.cpp) Create a commit of the form - fixes #(issue_number)

  • Finally, wait for it to be merged!

Getting Started

  • Fork this repository (Click the Fork button in the top right of this page, click your Profile Image)

  • Clone your fork down to your local machine

    $ git clone https://github.com/your-username/programming.git
  • Create a branch

    $ git checkout -b branch-name
  • Make your changes

  • Commit and Push

    $ git add filename 
    $ git commit -m 'commit message'
    $ git push origin branch-name
  • Create a New Pull Request from your forked repository (Click the New Pull Request button located at the top of your repo)

  • Wait for your PR review and merge approval!

  • Star this repository if you had fun!

Don't forget to include the comments as seen above. Feel free to include additional information about the language you chose in your comments too! Like a link to a helpful introduction or tutorial.

Reference Links