EDA - Exploratory Data Analysis

It is a crucial step in the data analysis process

Understanding the Data:

EDA helps in comprehending the dataset's characteristics, including its variables, distributions, and any missing values.

Data Cleaning:

EDA involves tasks like handling missing values, removing duplicates, and addressing outliers to ensure data quality.

Identifying Patterns and Relationships:

EDA uses visualizations to uncover patterns, trends, and relationships within the data.

Formulating Hypotheses:

EDA generates hypotheses about the data, which can be further tested using statistical methods or machine learning algorithms.

Feature Engineering:

EDA informs feature selection and engineering decisions to create meaningful predictors for modeling.

Model Selection and Validation:

EDA assists in selecting appropriate models by understanding the data distribution and model assumptions.


EDA communicates insights to stakeholders through interpretable visualizations and summaries.

Iterative Process:

EDA is iterative, allowing for continuous refinement of analysis techniques based on new insights.

Domain Knowledge Integration:

EDA benefits from incorporating domain knowledge to interpret findings in context.

Exploratory Nature:

EDA is flexible and does not have fixed rules, allowing analysts to choose techniques based on the dataset and analysis goals.

It involves Process such as:-

1) Analysis

Univariate Analysis
Multivariate Analysis

3) Feature Engineering

Creating New Columns
Modifying Existing Ones

4) Handling Outliers

Detect Outliers
Remove Outliers

The Entire process is Highly Iterative