Wordpress Theme Deploy

This Project aims to present a complete workflow to start a new Wordpress Project.

  • In the whole process projectname has to be replaced with you project name.
  • Example: clarkom, clarkominsight.


Local Server and Heroku environment

  • PHP 7.2.0
  • REDIS 3.1.4
  • Nginx 1.8.1
  • Composer 1.5.2
  • Node Engine 8.8.1

Access Links

Local Deployment

To create a new project, you've first to download the shell script using wget, or your can copy the content from this gist:

wget https://goo.gl/1BWa9k
mv 1BWa9k new_project
chmod u+x new_project
./new_project projectname

From the Docker Container

composer install
composer update
chown -R www-data:www-data htdocs/wp-content/
chown -R www-data:www-data htdocs/wordpress/
chown -R 1000:1000 htdocs/wp-content/themes/projectname-theme

From your Local Machine

Add projectname.test to your /etc/hosts

sudo vi /etc/hosts

Start the docker web service

sudo npm start


To access to phpMyAdmin through http://projectname.test:8082 you have to start the docker phpmyadmin service:

sudo docker-compose up phpmyadmin

Phpmyadmin credentials

username: root
password: password

Deploying with Terraform

Add AWS & Heroku Credentials

  • Access to you AWS console and Create a bucket with the name of your project projectname, and use as a Region EU (ireland)
  • Edit .env file and Add Heroku & AWS credentials, and validate the modifications.
source .env


The state of Terraform is managed in S3, so it should automatically sync any changes from the remote backend.

terraform init
terraform apply

Git & Heroku

If you're not logged to heroku:

heroku login

Last steps are used to push the project into Heroku, but before that, you've to initialize a new git repository.

git init
heroku git:remote -a projectname-dev
git add -A
git commit -m “Hello World“
git push heroku master

Generated Static Files

On each yarn build or yarn build:production from the docker web service you have to upload the generated dist folder to projectname-dev-uploads on your AWS S3 bucket, and don't forget to make the bucket public.

Essential Plugins

This is a consistent list of Wordpress Plugins to install, some plugins (Free) already exist on composer.json, and some others (Premium) are not set as default plugins, you've to install them manually.

Essential (14 plugins)








Multilingual (6 plugins)

In case of a multilingual website, these are some extra plugins to install manually:


Project Structure

wp-theme-deploy              # → Root of the Project
├── bin                      #
│   └── wp                   #
├── composer.json            # → Heroku Autoloading and Server config
├── composer.lock            # → Composer lock file (never edit)
├── config                   #
│   ├── env                  #
        ├── development.php  # → Development environment config
        ├── local.php        # → Local environment config
        ├── production.php   # → Production environment config
        ├── qa.php           # → QA(Quality Assurance) environment config
│   ├── nginx.conf           # → nginx server config
│   └── wp-config.php        # → This file contains WordPress config and replaces the usual wp-config.php
├── docker                   # → This folder will include db-data (database folder) and nginx logs
├── docker-compose.yml       # → Local server docker services
├── Dockerfile               # → Docker build images
├── htdocs                   #
│   ├── index.php            #
│   ├── wp-config.php        #
│   ├── wp-content           #
│   └── wp-load.php          #
├── package.json             # → Heroku Javascript Dependencies
├── phpcs.xml                # → PHP Codesniffer rules
├── Procfile                 #
├── terraform.tf             # → Deployment infrastructure plan
├── tools                    #
│   └── new_project.sh       # → Creating a new project steps
│   └── star_web.sh          #

Theme structure

themes/your-theme-name/   # → Root of your Sage based theme
├── app/                  # → Theme PHP
│   ├── controllers/      # → Controller files
│   ├── admin.php         # → Theme customizer setup
│   ├── filters.php       # → Theme filters
│   ├── helpers.php       # → Helper functions
│   └── setup.php         # → Theme setup
├── composer.json         # → Autoloading for `app/` files
├── composer.lock         # → Composer lock file (never edit)
├── dist/                 # → Built theme assets (never edit)
├── node_modules/         # → Node.js packages (never edit)
├── package.json          # → Node.js dependencies and scripts
├── resources/            # → Theme assets and templates
│   ├── assets/           # → Front-end assets
│   │   ├── config.json   # → Settings for compiled assets
│   │   ├── build/        # → Webpack and ESLint config
│   │   ├── fonts/        # → Theme fonts
│   │   ├── images/       # → Theme images
│   │   ├── scripts/      # → Theme JS
│   │   └── styles/       # → Theme stylesheets
│   ├── functions.php     # → Composer autoloader, theme includes
│   ├── index.php         # → Never manually edit
│   ├── screenshot.png    # → Theme screenshot for WP admin
│   ├── style.css         # → Theme meta information
│   └── views/            # → Theme templates
│       ├── layouts/      # → Base templates
│       └── partials/     # → Partial templates
└── vendor/               # → Composer packages (never edit)

Most used commands


  • sudo docker-compose up web
  • sudo docker-compose up adminer
  • sudo docker exec -it wpthemedeploy_web_1 /bin/bash


  • yarn run start — Compile assets when file changes are made, start Browsersync session
  • yarn run build — Compile and optimize the files in your assets directory
  • yarn run build:production — Compile assets for production