
yarn: yarn add selective-context-consumer

npm: npm install selective-context-consumer


Only re-render if the selected values from the context update/change not when the context value changes.

Be sure to wrap the component which is using this library's component with React.memo.


This library is meant to be open-source, for everyone to make it better.

Source code available at: Github Repo: arbaz52/react-selective-context-consumer


Gist: Using the library

Single Value Selector

  selector={(ValuesInContext) => ValuesInContext.ValueYouNeed}
  {(selectedValue) => <b>render: {selectedValue}</b>}

Multiple Values Selector

Most use-cases require extracting/selecting multiple values from the context. You can return an JSObject in the selector function but it will not have type definitions.

The workaround for it is to create a memoized callback for the selector function and pass it as the selector prop. This will make the parameters for the children function to have type definitions.

Selector Function:
const selectorFunc = useCallback((context: IStateContext) => {
  const { beer, addBeer } = context;
  return { beer, addBeer };
}, []);
<SelectiveContextConsumer context={StateContext} selector={selectorFunc}>
  {({ beer, addBeer }) => (
      <button onClick={addBeer}>Beer: {beer}</button>
      <RendersCounter />

Why this Package?

This is a generic implementation for an issue that requires a workaround when using non-primitive value for context provider's value.

This library exports a component that can memoize the selected value (even an object) from the context. The child of this exported component will re-render if the selected value is changed/updated. The component follows Render Props pattern and expects a function that is passed the selected values from the context as parameters to function. The function is then expected to return a React.FC.

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