
Subsetting tools and utilities for ParFlow

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Subsetting tools and utilities for ParFlow

There are two options to use subsettools: use it as part of the parflow-ml module on verde, or install it in a virtual environment of your own. If you want to use it within parflow-ml follow the 'Getting started' instructions, otherwise go to 'Installation'.

Getting started

subsettools is already installed in the parflow-ml module on verde. You only need to get the example notebook from the repo and run it.

To get the example notebook, start a terminal session and clone the repository:

$ cd ~
$ git clone https://github.com/hydroframe/subsettools
$ cp subsettools/docs/conus1_subsetting.ipynb .

The notebook should now be in your home directory. To run the notebook, go to verde.princeton.edu. From the interactive apps tab, choose "Jupyter".
"Number of hours": choose how many hours you want to run the notebook session.
"Anaconda3 version used for starting up jupyter interface": choose "parflow-ml" from the list of environments.
"Extra slurm options": --ntasks=16 (for the example notebook). In general, set ntasks to the number of processes you will need when you distribute the parflow run.
Finally, launch the notebook. Feel free to run through the whole notebook as it is, or play with the functions and change their arguments!


$ pip install git+ssh://git@github.com/hydroframe/subsettools


  • TODO


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subsettools was created by George Artavanis, Amanda Triplett. It is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.


subsettools was created with cookiecutter and the py-pkgs-cookiecutter template.