
Application for demonstrating OpenHealthCardKit library functionality.

For more info, please find the low level project OpenHealthCardKit on GitHub.

See the Gematik GitHub IO page for a more general overview.

Getting Started

The OpenHealthCardKit-DemoApp requires Swift 5.1.

Setup for development

You will need Bundler, XcodeGen, Carthage and fastlane to conveniently use the established development environment.

  1. Update ruby gems necessary for build commands

    $ bundle install --path vendor/gems
  2. Checkout (and build) dependencies and generate the xcodeproject

    $ bundle exec fastlane setup_app

Card Reader Provider(s)

Classes that implement CardTerminalControllerProviderType and extend NSObject can be used and found by the CardReaderAccess.CardTerminalControllerManager when they are either referenced by the Target project or defined in the CardReaderProviderLoader.m