Don't forget to creat the database indexes from the craft_service with: heroku run rake db:mongoid:create_indexes
- express to start listening to http requests and or a events
- mocha-chai test framework with unit, integration and headless browser testing with phantomjs
- coffee-script setup for development and for testing
- cakefile to run automated tests or to watch tests
- stylus and nib for a light-weight css solution
- jade for rendering views
- an organized MVC+Services directory structure for quickly developing core functionality
- class loader mechanism to auto-load models and services
- routing configuration file (comming soon)
- support for sessions and cookies (comming soon!)
- connection to redis and/or mongoDB with test/dev/prod environments (comming soon!)
- an application class to easily configure the server (comming soon!)
npm install
npm start
browse to [ http://localhost:8888 ]
npm test
requires phantomjs, which is used for headless browser testing.
brew update
brew install phantomjs
- Ξ feature 1
- Ξ /endpoint1/:param/path
- Ξ feature 2
- Ξ /endpoint2/:param/path
- Ξ feature 3
- Ξ /endpoint3/:param/path
- Ξ feature 1
- Ξ /endpoint1/:param/path
- Ξ feature 2
- Ξ /endpoint2/:param/path
- Ξ feature 3
- Ξ /endpoint3/:param/path
+ deploy
+ write unit tests for models and services (see spec/server/models[services])
+ write integration tests for controllers (see spec/server/controllers)
+ write usage tests using phantomjs for views (see spec/client)
+ write MVP #1
+ write MVP #2
Ξ ToDo
♥ In Progres
✓ Complete