
Rails API with JWT token for user authentication and authorization

Primary LanguageRuby

Rails Authentication and Authorization

Rails API 📦✨

Rails API to support user authentication and authorization on the App. 🛒🔍

Overview 📋

This project leverages authentication and authorization using jwttoken based user managment in the Ruby on Rails tech stack to add user session management.

Prerequisites 🛠️

Before you embark on this adventure, ensure you have the following tools installed on your system:

  • Ruby on Rails framework
  • Postman

1. Check out the repository 📦

For instance, if you have GitHub SSH configured on your machine:

git clone git@github.com:arbinydv/rails-user-management.git

2. Getting the project up and running 🚀

  • Install Dependencies
    • Database: PostgreSQL 🐘

    • Gems

      • JWT token based authentication
        • Bcrypt
        • JWT
      • JSON Builder
        • json
      • Modal Serializers
        • active_model_serializers
      • CORS Handler
        • rack-cors
    • Project

      bundle install

Generating SECRET KEY Token and Hiding the Access

  • Generating secret key using Rails.application.secrets.secret_key_base

  • Securing the Key : Run the command on your terminal to manage credentials and master key for encryption-decryption EDITOR="code --wait" rails credentials:edit

Migrating Data 🌱

Ensure that your PostgreSQL database is properly configured in database.yml

rake db:create 

rake db:migrate

rake db:seed 
  • Running Project 🏃
  • Rails Server
    rails server || rails s

Now, your project is up and running at http://localhost:3000 🌐


If you wish to use docker to build and deploy the project, please follow the steps below

  • docker-compose build
  • docker-compose up
Database Migration 
  docker-compose run app rails db:create
  docker-compose run app rails db:migrate
  docker-compose run app rails db:seed
  docker-compose run app rails c
  • docker-compose down

3. API Authentication and Authorization using POSTMAN

Feel free to explore and give feedbacks! 🎉