Transaction Dashboard πŸ“¦βœ¨

Full Stack Single Page Application to show list of trasactions on a Dashboard.

Alt text

Transaction Detail


Overview πŸ“‹

This project leverages CRUD concepts in the Golang, ReactJs, and MySQL tech stack to fetch data from database and visualize them on a Dashboard.

Prerequisites πŸ› οΈ

Before you embark on this adventure, ensure you have the following tools installed on your system:

  • Golang
  • ReactJSβš›οΈ
  • npm or yarn πŸ“¦
  • Database( MySQl) πŸ”„

1. Getting Project Up and Running πŸ“¦

With GitHub SSH configured on your machine:

# Clone the repository
git clone

2. Getting the project up and running πŸš€

Ensure that your MySQL database is properly configured and a database is created.

Running Project πŸƒ

  • Backend
    cd server 
  • Starting the App
    go run main.go  # runs the app at port 4000
  • Database Connection and Navigation (MySQL)
        CREATE database trasactions; #create database
        Connect to database 
        Migrate the data
  • Frontend
    cd client
  • Install dependencies
    npm install || yarn install 
  • Start development server
    yarn dev  # runs the app at port 3000 and connect backend app at 4000

Now, your project is up and running at http://localhost:3000 🌐

3. Dashboard Navigation

  • Dashboard for Transaction πŸ“¦πŸ—‚οΈ
  • LandingPage πŸ”„πŸ›οΈ