- acorrensonCISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security
- btwaelParis
- codeck
- coruus
- eaubin
- eda-ricercatoreDesign Automation Renegades
- ekiwiCornell University
- fengwz17Institute of Software, CAS
- gbaslerLeonteq
- graydonVancouver, BC
- h1994st
- hailinzengBeijing, China
- jonkieyu
- KraksINRIA/ENS; Tufts
- ksuenagaKyoto University
- lanxuan365
- LauZyHouShang Hai
- mgudemann
- misonijnikTbilisi, Georgia
- moratorium08Tokyo
- nicolasAmatONERA, The French Aerospace Lab
- NWMonster
- Po-Chun-Chien@sosy-lab, LMU Munich
- rainoftime
- rrika
- sirandreww
- TearWings
- timxzl
- ttjVanderbilt University
- userjia
- vale1410Isotronic GmbH / University of Potsdam
- wadoonKarlsruhe Institute of Technology
- xpicox
- yuex1994
- zhanghongceHong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)
- zhuyutian57Institute of SoftWare, Chinese Academy of Sciences