
Game server data used to generate https://data.airmash.online/games and https://starma.sh/games

Game server data

These files are used to generate the JSON data served by https://data.airmash.online/games and https://starma.sh/games.

One record per line, with fields separated by the | character.

# Name Example Description
1 eu Region ID
2 type 1 Game type
3 id ffa1 Room ID, must be unique per region, used for invite link fragment
4 name Free For All #1 Long name, displayed in menu choice
5 nameShort FFA #1 Short name, displayed when menu drop down expands
6 host eu.airmash.online Hostname
7 path ffa1 URL path

The hostname and URL path are combined to form the websocket URL (wss:// host / path).

The hostname is also used to construct the ping URL (https:// host /ping).


eu|1|ffa1|Free For All #1|FFA #1|eu.airmash.online|ffa1

Game types

Type Name
1 Free For All
2 Capture The Flag
3 Battle Royale
4 Development
# Name Example Description
1 eu Region ID
2 name Europe Region name

