-The Ivory Foundation- This is a collaborative project of a fictional community charity site. Users can create an account or use the site as a guest. Users are able to see upcoming community service projects, donate to specific fundraisers, and contact charity organizers as well as nominate members in the community for recognition on their service.

-Motivation- We created this as a group project for our DevMountain web developer course capstone. We wanted to make a site based on the idea of the Kentucky Colonels, a philantrhopic organization whos primary goal is to support needy Kentucky charities and worthy Kentucky organizations by raising money from their members to help those in need.

-Project Dependencies- This project was bootstrapped with Create React App. Tech/framework Used: React, NodeJS, ExpressJs, ExpressSession, axios, bcrypt, PostgreSQL, Heroku, MaterialUI, Stripe, and Nodemailer. This project was hosted with Digital Ocean @ www.ivory-foundation.com

-Features- Users can; 1. create their own accounts for the site using bcrypt authentication. 2. Nominate members of their community for recognition for their service. 3. Donate to a specific fundraiser using Stripe, such as renovating the community animal shelter or building a community garden. 4. Sign up to recieve text notifications and info, using nodemailer, regarding upcoming service projects.

-Credits- a special thanks to the Kentucky Colonels for their inspiration.

This application was built by Austin Carly, Elizabeth Baron, Noal Brown, and Jon Hunt