
A repo to store dockerfiles to build images with specific C++ libraries

Primary LanguageDockerfile

This repo is a place to store examples of building docker containers that have specific C++ libraries installed. The purpose is to be able to compile c++ programs in a contained environment without polluting the host computer with too many dependencies.

Steps to use:

  • Each library gets build into a docker image with no cmd called "library_<library_name>"
  • Then I build an image from that library image that runs "py_wait.py" called "my_<library_name>"
  • Then I instance that image into a container called "<library_name>_compiler"
  • Then I 'docker exec /bin/bash' into that container to run the compile

Technoligies that I know I want to include:

  • Qt5
  • openCV
  • JSON
  • AMQP
  • MQTT
  • REST