Processed >100k public Amazon review text data to predict binary sentiment of 'positive' or 'negative'
- proprocess text (tokenize, lower case, lemmatize, remove stopwords)
- trained model with NLTK, sklearn TF-IDF, MultinomialNB, accuracy 0.88
- saved optimized model to .pkl
Amazon product reviews, Kindel Store 5-score data
This dataset contains product reviews and metadata from Amazon, including 142.8 million reviews spanning May 1996 - July 2014.
This dataset includes reviews (ratings, text, helpfulness votes), product metadata (descriptions, category information, price, brand, and image features), and links (also viewed/also bought graphs).
cd src
Open browser and visit
Type input text and get sentimental prediction
use Doc2vec + keras.LSTM
interactive flask app to predict new review with saved model