Collaborative Filtering based Recommendation System

Recommendation System (RS)

Recommendation System is utilized in many fields such as ecommerce and gaming. It is of great interest to the industry world. Boosted by Netflix prize, many RS algorithms have been developed, such as SVD models. Collaborative filtering (CF) is a model is a method of making automatic predictions (filtering) about the interests of a user by collecting preferences or taste information from many users (collaborating). CF has some real-world application such as Discover Weekly by Spotify. This project is an attempt to apply spark Collaborative filtering method ALS on a large dataset.
img (image from


  1. Used pre-made data from a gaming platform, cleaned data
  2. Feature engineer, build rating= user_id, game_id, rate score=log(time played)
  3. Collaborative Filtering model: trained pyspark.mllib.recommendation.ALS
  4. Made user or item based recommendation
  5. Model evaluation


feature engineering:

  1. normalize log(time played) across users
  2. using other information (devie etc.) to unsupervized cluster user