Wiser Home integration with Home Assistant by Kinori Tech

This project provides a custom Home Assistant component for Wiser Home multi-zone heating and an accompanying Lovelave Card.

Release License: MIT


You must be using Wiser Smart Radiator Thermostats via zigbee2mqtt integration.

You must have a switch in Home Assistant that allows control of the on/off state of the boiler used in your heating system.


  1. Download the latest release and unzip it to your preferred location. You will get a dist folder; the goodies are inside 😁.
  2. Copy the custom_compononets and www folders to your <home-assistant>\configuration\ folder. Where <home-assistant> is the location of your Home Assistant installation or configuration path.
  3. Add a new sensor with the wiser-home platform (see below for details).
  4. Restart your Home Assistant service.

Note: You don't need the lovelace card for the HA component to work, is just a useful way of monitoring the TRVs and to use additional features.

Configuration (wiser-come component)

The component must be added to HA as a sensor (e.g. to your senor.yaml file.) using the wiser_home platform. The component allows you to configure the different rooms in your house. Each room can have 1 or more TRVs. Each room can have its own schedule and/or you can have a general schedule. The structure is as follows:

- platform: wiser_home
  unique_id: <id>
  boiler: <boiler switch id>
        - entity_id: <HA TRV id>
        - v: 16
      - v: "OFF"

Configuration variables

  • unique_id \string> REQUIRED
    Unique id for the component. You can generate a UUID online (use a Version 4 UUID).

  • bolier <entity.id> REQUIRED
    Id of the swtich to control the boiler on/off

  • rooms <map> REQUIRED
    Information about the rooms in the house. The key is the room name and the value ifs a room configuration.

    • room <map> REQUIRED
      Information about the room.

      • thermostat <map> REQUIRED (MULTIPLE)
        A list of Wiser Home TRV entities installed in the room (i.e. a room can have multiple radiators) and their weights.

        • entity_id <climate.id> REQUIRED
          Id of the Wiser Home TRV climate entity

        • weight <number> OPTIONAL (default 1.0)
          Specify how individual values should be weighted when calculating the average temperature value for rooms with multiple radiators. Use this value to indicate that radiators are of different size and thus, one radiator will have more influence in the room temperature than the others. A radiator with a weight of 2 will have a bigger contribution to the room average temperature. The default weight is 1, and a weight of 0 causes the value to be excluded completely.

      • schedule <Schedy> OPTIONAL<br>The schedule for the room. Uses the same format as Schedy; please refer to their excellent online documentation to learn how to create schedules. efficiosoft has done a great job with them! Currently, temperatures can only be specified in °C.

    • schedule_append <Schedy> OPTIONAL<br>The fall-back schedule for all rooms. Uses the same format as Schedy;


- platform: wiser_home
    unique_id: d6fa37f4-30ca-4bc2-ab8b-f5e96ca2daac
    boiler: switch.el_switch_1_switch
          - entity_id: climate.dw_valve_3_climate
          - v: 16  # Room always at 16°C
          - entity_id: climate.dw_valve_5_climate
          # Living room at 18°C between Nov-Mar in the night
          - v: 18
            months: 1-3, 11-12  
              - { start: "19:00", end: "22:00" }
          - entity_id: climate.dw_valve_1_climate
          - v: 20
            months: 1-3, 11-12
              - weekdays: 1-5
                  - { start: "06:15", end: "07:30" }
                  - { start: "11:45", end: "13:00" }
              - weekdays: 6-7
                  - { start: "07:00", end: "09:00" }
      # All rooms default to OFF if not in schedule
      - v: "OFF"

Using the lovelace card

Just go to your desired UI page and add a new Manual Card. When prompted, provide the correct type: type: 'custom:wiser-home-card. After you have added the card, edit it and select your wiser_home component to monitor.

Note: The lovelave card is work in progress, so currently it only displays the room information (temp, setpoint, heat demand) but does not provide any control.


The HA component currently offers two services in order to enable and configure away mode:

  • Away mode
  • Away temp

The away mode service, wiser_home.set_away_mode, allows you to Activate/deactivate (true/false) the away mode. When active, the component ignores the schedule of the rooms and sets all valves to the away temp, by default its 16°C.

The away temp service, wiser_home.set_away_temp, allows you to change the away temperature.

You can invoke the services via the UI or, for example, you could use a location automation to set away mode when everyone leaves the house.

Be kind, rewind :)

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