- fix:
- Input of menu must be sanitized to prevent errors as choice an option that don't exists
- improvements:
- add before menu re-print the system function calling 'clear' command
- System messages printed by choiced options must be parameterized passing to makeMenu function or will be lost
- add before menu re-print the system function calling 'clear' command
2015-06-23 - understanding stack architecture
- Stack is not piling, the last element added must point to NULL and not the first one
- After reading and meditate about Basic Architecture of a stack (in previous link), I understand that there is no implementation error. I just not fully understand the implementation
2015-06-21 - some refactoring
- modularization
- add main file to root project
- rename source origin to stack.c
- translate source to english and follow the stack's conventions here:
2015-06-18 - formating source
2015-06-17 - Found and fixed 11 warnings
- Char variables initialized with integer zero
- Printf specify formmatter %u changed to %p
- 'command' variabel not utilized - line commented
- Variável rs_scn criada para recepção dos retornos das funções: system e scanf
- Impressão do resultado desta variável ao final da execução do programa por mera conveniência afim de evitar warning
2015-06-16 - Fork my brother's github
- Using xubuntu 15.04 x86_64 on virtualbox
- Make a project by import on Eclipse CDT Luna
My brother originally written:
Developed in Debian. Running in command line with GCC and GDB
- Data Structure: Stack
- Source: stack.c
- Insertion
- Search by value
- Exclusion
- Count stack size
Malloc and pointers are used.
to compile:
- gcc -g stack.c -o stack
to run:
- to use gdb make sure to have installed: sudo apt-get install gdb
- gdb ./stack or just ./stack