
RESTful API template in PHP driven by flight micro-framework

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


A RESTful API template in PHP driven by flight microframework

NOTE: This template is based on my recent API development experiences. I will not boast that its a very good template. This project may have some serious design flaws- which I may need to overcome in recent days. But I have tried my best to include some basic functionalities along with some help with third party PHP libraries so that young developers may find this project helpful to their Rest-API development and learning curve.

What is flight-PHP?

Flight is a fast, simple, extensible framework for PHP. Flight enables you to quickly and easily build RESTful web applications. Learn more about Flight-PHP

Getting Started

This project includes both file cache system and memcache system, along with simple JWT authentication process.

For testing purposes, I have added a database sample with some tables in /resource folder.

I have also added some custom API along with a /console form as webpage to communicate those API.

System Requirements

PHP 5.6 or greater. Some prerequisite modules are:

pdo memcache/memcached pdo_mysql gd gmp

MySQL 5.6 or greater.


For windows (version 10)

if you have xampp installed, steps are as follows:

  • Clone the repository or download zip then extract in a folder [e.g rest-api] under htdocs
  • Use Composer to install or update library dependencies. Make sure composer.json file is always present in root directory
$ composer update
  • Create a virtual host. Go to xampp\apache\conf\extra\ and open file httpd-vhosts.conf. Then write a similar configuration as follows:
<VirtualHost *:80>
	DocumentRoot "C:/Xampp/htdocs/rest-api"
	ServerName rest-api.test
	<Directory "C:/Xampp/htdocs/rest-api">
		Order allow,deny
		Allow from all
  • Add your virtual-host information and point to the localhost IP. Go to Windows\System32\drivers\etc and open file hosts with admin permission. Then append a similar line as follows:	rest-api.test
  • Restart your apache server [Note: update your php.ini file if any module is missing. Check the apache logs if you get any unknown error]
  • [NOTE] If you are having trouble installing memcache in your system, simply follow this guide
    • If your windows is 64bit and PHP version 7.2, use the ts version of php-7.2.x_memcache.dll as module extension
    • Use the binary version of memcached-win64-1.4.*.zip to install memcache server. Follow the instructions accordingly.

For linux (Ubuntu)

  • Install Apache, MySQL server, PHP [ version 5.6 or higher ]
  • Install Composer if not installed already
  • Clone the repository to your desired root-directory

If you are using fresh ubuntu server, you may follow My Project installation Guide [ https://pastebin.com/KMpSAhYK ]

Web Server Configuration

  • For Apache, add or edit .htaccess file in your host root directory with the following:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php [QSA,L]
  • Go to the app/config directory inside your project folder. Rename the existing example.* file to config_app.ini.
  • Open your config_app.ini file and change the configuration parameters suitable to your host environment.

That's it. You are ready to develop and test your API server.

Why use this?

RESTful APIs used in distributed client/server interaction, like mobile application to server communication. If the REST structure in server is light and robust, it can generate response fast and authentic client can retrieve the desired data quickly and process accordingly. And user always love to use those application which can communicate with server and show respective data without delay. I have tried my best to implement as much essential feature as possible without making the overall structure complex to understand.

And this template is for those developers, who loves to code in PHP. And a microframework is always faster than normal MVC framework like laravel, codeigniter etc.

You can follow my presentation slide on 'RESTApi Design & Develop'. I have tried to implement many features in this project mentioned in my slide tutorial, and I will continue working on this more ...

Development Guide

  • Write your api class controller in app/api/ directory
  • Extend your API Controller Class with Base Class
  • Sample API Controller Class, [Note: If your API class name is GetUserInformation, your request URL will be http://rest-api.test/api/get_user_information]
class GetUserInformation extends BaseClass {        
    * Define your class variables and constants here

    public function validate() {
         * Add your code here
         * to retrieve your request parameters

    public function action() {

         * Add API code here
        return array(
            * Put successful response here
  • To retrieve parameters from request method, use the following code sample [NOTE: Allowed HTTP methods are GET | POST | PUT | DELETE]
 $data1 = $this->getValueFromJSON('item', 'string', FALSE);  // JSON Request [*POST / PUT / DELETE*]  
 $data2 = $this->getInputPost('id', 'int', TRUE);           // Post Params [*POST*]
 $data3 = $this->getValueFromQuery('id', 'int');            // Query Params [*GET*]
  • For exception handle inside your backend code, use the following code sample [NOTE: Check the ResultCode class for status-code definitions]
 throw new System_ApiException(ResultCode::NOT_FOUND, "Data not found");
  • To access system / model / common / config classes, simply call their resources as follows [NOTE: Check the class name prefix; must be the similar with the directory name where resides]
 $data = Common_DateUtil::getToday();
  • Write your model class in app/model directory as follows
class Model_TableName extends Model_BaseModel {      
    // Define your class variables and constants here

    /* Database Table Name */
    const TABLE_NAME = "users";

    /* Table Column Definitions */
    protected static $columnDefs = array(
        'id' => array(
            'type' => 'int',
            'json' => true
        'name' => array(
            'type' => 'string',
            'json' => true
        'created_at' => array(
            'type' => 'string',
            'json' => false

        Add your code for functions here


Try to add separate model classes for each tables in your database.

Table Column Definitions will help you organize your table data with desired data-type in JSON response as well as handles data insertion in table through the base model functions

  • Check the existing API classes for further study


This project does not include much features, but I have tried to add some to make the application more user-friendly. Let's see these features:

  • Integration of flight-microframework - which is extremely light weight. To learn it's features, simply go to this ::learn flight-PHP::

  • A Model-View-Controller like system architecture ::view doc::

  • Single Configuration file with Config class ::view doc::

  • Base Class controller for Client Request validation ::view doc::

  • MySQL database connection support with PDO driver . If you are not familiar with PDO, please visit and learn the basics ::pdo tutorial::

  • Abstract Base Model class for database Query Builder Function support ::view doc::

  • Common Helper classes: Array, Date, Log, Utils(Utility)

  • System Library classes: ApiException, FileCacheClient, JwtToken, MemcachedServer, Security ::view doc::

  • Application Constant class ::view doc::

  • Result-Code class for supporting exception handle with necessary status codes ::view doc::

  • Console testing ::view doc::

  • Others ::view doc::

Changelog and Updates

You can find a list of all changes for each release/version in the change log

Running the tests

  • Check the console webpage to test your API. URL: http://rest-api.test/console

Note: If you need to use this project-template in sub-directory under the Root Directory, you may need change the Base URL path in the form / console.js - whatever is suited for you

  • To check your system is fully cope with the project or not, simply goto the Test API from Sidebar, click the underlining anchor-link, then click Submit button from the right form section. The results and header parameters will be available in Response/ Header tabs under the form page. If your server is fully coped with this REST-API template, it will show the following results as success:
  "result_code": 0,
  "time": "2019-03-31 00:10:20",
  "data": {
    "DB": "Database to user table connection is functional",
    "JWT": "JWT verification system is functional",
    "Log": "System application log is functional",
    "Cache": {
      "filecache": "Local filecache system is functional",
      "memcache": "Memcache system is functional"
    "Upload": "File upload system is functional",
    "TestImagUrl": "http://flight-api-v1.test/uploads/profile_images/profiletest_1553974673.png"
  "error": [],
  "execution_time": 0.03506016731262207
  • To populate your console page with you own API, edit api-list.json page with appropriate API information
  • This project is tested in PHP version 5.6 to 7.2.4 . Any version of PHP below the lower number or upper may cause errors during project run.

Used Libraries

Following third party libraries are used in Application system



This project is open source and available under the MIT License.