
Build Status github-pages

All rights on image, video, text, and related resources (e.g., including paper PDF files) reserved.


  • Gulp v4
  • Webpack v4 + Babel-loader v8 + Babel v7
  • TypeScript v3.8
  • Pug v2 (as part of gulp-pug plugin)

Directory structure

  • src/: source files
    • javascripts/: TypeScript files
    • stylesheets/: LESS files
    • data/: JSON files
    • images/: image files
    • thumbnails/: thumbnail image files
    • ja/: Japanese pug files
    • .htaccess: Apache .htaccess file
    • junkato.bib: BibTeX file
  • build/: intermediate build files
  • dist/: build results
  • semantic/: Semantic UI source files

Production build

$ npm install -g gulp-cli
$ npm install
$ gulp

Debug build

$ npm install -g gulp-cli
$ npm install
$ gulp debug


Run the following command after gulp build will launch a new browser window.

$ gulp dev

See also
