- Let’s consider a CPU, which has eight 32 bits registers r0-r7 and a 256 byte memory.
- In this project, you need to implement a calculator.The input is a list of expressions consisting of integers, operators(+,-,*,/,=), and three variables x,y, z; and the output is a list of assembly codes.
- The instructions of the CPU are listed in the in the table below The time to execute each instruction (in clock cycles) is also listed.
Opcode | Operand1 | Operand2 | Meaning | Cycles |
MOV | Register1 | Register2 | Move data from register2 to register1 | 10 |
MOV | Register1 | Constant | Set the value of register1 constant | 10 |
MOV | Register1 | [Addr2] | Move the data (4 bytes) in memory addressed Addr2 to register1. Note that Addr2 must be a multiple of 4. | 200 |
MOV | [Addr1] | Register2 | Move the data (4 bytes) from register2 to the memory addressed Addr1. Note that Addr1 must be a multiple of 4. | 200 |
Opcode | Operand1 | Operand2 | Meaning | Cycles |
ADD | Register1 | Register2 | Add the values in register1 to register2 and store the result in register1 | 10 |
SUB | Register1 | Register2 | Subtract the value in register2 from the value in register1 and store the result in register1. | 10 |
MUL | Register1 | Register2 | Multiply the values in register1 to register2 and store the result in register1 | 30 |
DIV | Register1 | Register2 | Divide the value in register1 by the value in register2 and store the result in register1.Note it is the integer division. | 50 |
EXIT | Constant | Stop the program with a constant signal,whose value is specified as follows. 0:exit normally 1:the expression cannot be evaluated | 20 |
The initial value of variables, x, y, and z, are stored in memory [0], [4], and [8] respectively. You need to read those initial values first.
After the evaluation of the assembly code, the answer of the variables x, y, z needs to be stored in the registers r0, r1, and r2 respectively.
Input: x = z + 5
Output :
MOV r0, [8]
MOV r1, 5
ADD r0, r1
MOV [0], r0
MOV r0, [0]
MOV r1, [4]
MOV r1, [8]
Each instruction has an expected runtime, which is specified by clock cycles, as shown in the table.
The runtime of a program is the summation of the clock cycles of all instructions.
Example: the following code has 1040 clock cycles
MOV r0, [8] 200 cc
MOV r1, 5 10 cc
ADD r0, r1 10 cc
MOV [0], r0 200 cc
MOV r0, [0] 200 cc
MOV r1, [4] 200 cc
MOV r1, [8] 200 cc
EXIT 0 20 cc
If the expression is illegal, such as
- x = 5 +
- y = 7 / 0
- z = --2
- ... and so on
You should consider all kinds of possibilities.
Your final output should be EXIT 1
- The project has 2 parts:
- The 5 basic testcases will be provided by TAs
- The contest: There will be 20 testcases at demo time, each represents 5 points. Besides, the code with the less total clock cycles is better. Five top winners will get extra credits.
Submission Deadline: 4/20(五) 中午 12:00
- 上傳至iLMS
- 命名為 學號.c
Demo 時間: 4/20(五) 下午 1:20 ~ 3:30
- 請準時出席課堂,我們會唱名請大家來臺前,會使用iLMS上傳的code來Demo
- Demo完成後會公布過的測資數與cycle數
- 不要使用別人的code,若抓到抄襲直接零分並依校規處置