
EAGLE silkscreen label generator

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


An EAGLE silkscreen label generator written in Python (using PIL/Pillow) allowing nicer fonts, because EAGLE's proportional font doesn't get output in CAM data, and the new vector font isn't very attractive.

Ingests an EAGLE .brd file, looking for text elements on layers 20 and 21 (top, bottom) and produces raster equivalents on layers 170 and 171. When producing CAM files, the raster output layers should then be included along with the normal top and bottom silk layers. The original text elements are moved to backup layers (172 and 173) if they need to be recovered later. This is just for text; any other silk should go on the normal layers used for such things, and are not rasterized by this tool.

Inspired a bit by SparkFun's "Buzzard" project, but wanting something more automated.

Name is a cheesy portmanteau of "pin" (because that's mostly what's getting labeled) and "penguin" (keeping with the bird naming motif; EAGLE, Buzzard, etc.). I detest portmanteau software names but here we are.

"fonts" folder contains TrueType fonts: Google Arimo (EAGLE's proportional font) and GNU FreeFont files as a starting point. THESE FONTS HAVE THEIR OWN LICENSES INDEPENDENT FROM THE CODE, see notes in corresponding subdirectories. If adding any font(s), CHECK for permissive license and INCLUDE the license file; don't just add things wantonly! fonts.google.com has some great-looking designs with a permissive license.


python pinguin.py filename.brd

Output will then go to filename_out.brd, where filename is taken from the input file. File will be overwritten if present.

Any text labels in the tPlace (21) and bPlace (22) layers will be rasterized into new layers Pinguin_tPlace (170) and Pinguin_bPlace (171). The original text objects will be MOVED to the Pinguin_tBackup (172) and Pinguin_bBackup (173) layers; these should NOT be part of the CAM output, but are kept in case items need to be restored to the tPlace/bPlace layers for a do-over.

Optional args:

-dpi N Set output resolution (default = 1200)

-vfont font.ttf Override 'vector' font (default is GNU Free Sans)

-pfont font.ttf Override 'proportional' font (default is Arimo regular)

-ffont font.ttf Override 'fixed' font (default is GNU Free Mono)

-vscale N Change relative scale of 'vector' font (default = 1.33)

-pscale N Change relative scale of 'proportional' font (default = 1.41)

-fscale N Change relative scale of 'fixed' font (default = 1.41)

To Do

  • Multi-line text kinda works but spacing might need work.
  • Would like a better match for vector font.