A custom keyboard for iOS8 that serves as a tasty imitation of the default Apple keyboard. Built using Swift and the latest Apple technologies!
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tasty-imitation-keyboard has memory leak.
#97 opened by jimmy54 - 0
- 1
Change language dynamically
#123 opened by thanospapazoglou - 0
keyboard Crashes on certain Apps.
#142 opened by jermiy - 0
How to add background image as background
#117 opened by kamalupasena - 13
Changing font of keyboard
#105 opened by rahthakor - 0
Implementing iPhone X
#137 opened by 1fr0st - 2
Implementing keyboard in-app
#135 opened by 1fr0st - 3
Hide Globe on iPhoneXs?
#129 opened by otbox21 - 10
iOS 10 handleInputModeList issue
#107 opened by pirrate - 0
How to add 3D touch trackpad
#134 opened by kamalupasena - 0
keyboard crash
#133 opened by DGP13 - 0
- 0
keyboard layout probem after add banner
#131 opened by iqbal92 - 0
@ key not working
#127 opened by iqbal92 - 2
Serious lagging after iOS12 update
#126 opened by pirrate - 0
Advice on subclassing KeyboardKey?
#128 opened by otbox21 - 2
keys lost their sensibility after iOS12
#125 opened by pirrate - 1
Allow Full Access is off
#116 opened by notdetninja47 - 1
First Row Pop Up under the banner view
#118 opened by kamalupasena - 1
Insert buttons/etc in bannerView?
#124 opened by otbox21 - 2
Anyone successfully implemented?
#122 opened by otbox21 - 2
Background Color?
#92 opened by sambing - 2
Add Image For Key
#84 opened by kamalupasena - 1
Change font
#102 opened by cvonlehe - 2
Switch to Dark Color
#101 opened by cvonlehe - 4
Incompatible with Swift 3.0+/Xcode 8.3
#115 opened by rcedwards - 0
landscape portrait issue.
#119 opened by sameerpixster - 2
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Remove 30px border on top
#108 opened by ronak4567 - 0
Crash in ipad ios 10+
#113 opened by YanamalaMadhav - 1
key background frames don't show
#112 opened by OnTab - 3
Reload the keyboard using the in-keyboard settings
#103 opened by rogomantik - 2
keyPressed isn't fired?
#109 opened by josh990 - 24
iOS 10 iMessage crash
#106 opened by pirrate - 13
How to change between two keyboards?
#96 opened by mikrosk - 0
Move Keyboard
#100 opened by cvonlehe - 2
Remove settings and globe keys
#99 opened by cvonlehe - 5
Adjust the priority to 900 can solve constraint warning, like "Unable to simultaneously satisfy constraints"
#93 opened by durgiya - 1
Key border color
#94 opened by vladf90 - 1
iOS 9 issues
#89 opened by pirrate - 0
Zommed mode rotation problem
#88 opened by p356spt - 4
iOS9 XCode 7.0 issue
#86 opened by pirrate - 2
- 0
Files in KeyboardSound do not exist
#81 opened by slava-sh - 1
New and different Keys?
#78 opened by betolley - 10
I can't compile code
#76 opened by josepablog - 1