
Smart contract to airdrop NFT's using merkle proof

Primary LanguageSolidity

Airdrop NFT using merkle proof


MerkleAirdropNFT is a contract that allows recepients to claim NFT's via merkle airdrop if they prove that they are a part of the merkle tree.

Generate merkle tree using merkle-tree-generator, by passing in a list of recepients (refer airdrop.json).

Contract structure

MerkleAirdropNFT.sol Mindmap

Testing on Goerli testnet

MerkleAirdrop.sol deployed at: 0xc689202d0dd7A259A33985cF7dD1A7928e7B7562

Whalez.sol deployed at: 0x4561a5610dE098055fD470Bf3aEaDBa1CeA9b5f7

MerkleAirdrop has been initialized with

    sender: '0x7748329C48FE9F5Dc50f5858E174Dbc7A037117D',
    nft: '0x4561a5610dE098055fD470Bf3aEaDBa1CeA9b5f7',
    merkleRoot: '0x6c54cfd27bdcdf981adc92f19578a0c2f3e1d6d1d1085008d9c2c7fc52915356'

The following recepients have been added to merkle tree

    "accounts": [
            "address": "0x5B9e19a2d7a4Bc81B120D07EF844aB96E874f911",
            "tokenId": "3"
            "address": "0x03Dc0382895Dff762971FadcaB62236AaD79D518",
            "tokenId": "4"
            "address": "0x34EE5635641aa3D4B724E0a5EB51B69f0E26Ec8b",
            "tokenId": "1"
            "address": "0x1eba0B8BBC49921f28b79984B9D9921BfDBccA0c",
            "tokenId": "2"


Install the necessary dependencies mentioned in package.json

npm install



Delete the smart contract artifacts, the coverage reports and the Hardhat cache

npx hardhat clean


Compile the contracts and generate typechain types

npx hardhat compile


Run testcases for the smart contracts

npx hardhat test

Contract Size

Generate smart contract size

npx hardhat size-contracts


Generate coverage reports for the smart contract

npx hardhat coverage


  • Environment variables: Create a .env file with values as in .env.example


Run hardhat node in one terminal and run the deploy script in another terminal.

npx hardhat node
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.ts --network <network>

Goerli Testnet

  • Install Truffle npm install -g truffle
  • Run truffle dashboard on one terminal
  • Truffle dashboard will open up on http://localhost:24012/rpc
  • Connect wallet and switch to Goerli test network
  • Run the deploy script in another terminal
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.ts --network truffle


npx hardhat flatten ./contracts/Contract.sol > ./flattened/Contract.sol

Then, the file can be used to upload the code manually (click on 'Contract' tab >> verify and publish) or using script (with Block explorer API as per the network)

Verify and Publish

Passing constructor params as command line arguments if any exists

npx hardhat verify --network <network_name> <deployed_contract_address> <constructor params>


Passing a file with constructor params to --constructor args flag

npx hardhat verify --network <network_name> <deployed_contract_address> --constructor-args verify/contract.args.ts

For multiple arguments, follow this guide.


Checkout Reports.md