Metadata Binary Triage into ELK
R2ELK leverages the Python bindings of radare2's API to extract metadata from ELF and PE files and The official YARA rule repo as a submodule for matching.
Data that is attempted to be extracted/identified is as follows:
- File name
- File format
- MD5 hash
- SHA1 hash
- Architecture
- Binary size
- Programming language Used (identified by r2)
- Compiler info
- Compiled time
- Stripped
- Static
- Signed
- Strings
- PDB file paths
- Base address
- Imports
- Exports
- Yara Rule matching
sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
If using yara rules for sample tagging: git submodule update --recursive
Note: The examples below are for direct ingestion into Elasticsearch not Logstash". By default the index is "samples"
- Get metadata about a single binary:
/ --file /bin/ls | python -m json.tool
- Get metadata from a directory of binaries:
/ --directory /bin/
- Get metadata from a directory of binaries and POST to Elastic server:
./ --file /bin/ls --rhost --rport 9200 --index testing
- Run yara file against binary
./ -f /bin/ls --yara ./rules/malware/malware_samples.yar
If you're interested in having a single field per import/export opposed to a
single field with a comma separated string of imports/exports, modify the
run_triage function to call self.get_import_fields()
def run_triage(self):
Name: run_triage
Purpose: Perform metadata triage of binaries.
Paramters: N/A
Return: JSON dump of metadata info.
self.__r2_close__() # Close r2 pipe object.
return json.dumps(self.metadata)
- Do you have appropriate permission for reading files in specific directory?
- Symlinks are not followed.
If you're having issues processing yara rules and encounter an error below, you're likely missing a 3rd party package (pe/cuckoo).
[!] Error: ./rules/././capabilities/capabilities.yar(450): can't open include file: $FILE_NAME_HERE