
TiDB community content

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TiDB Community

Welcome to the TiDB Community! The main objective is to help members of the TiDB community who share similar interests to learn from and collaborate with each other.

Your journey of becoming a contributor and committer starts from here: improving docs, improving code, giving talks, organizing meetups, etc.

Love you all.


You can reach out to the community members via any one of the following ways:

How Can I Help?

  • Try TiDB! If you like it, star, share, and recommend it.

  • To dig deeper, read a design doc, e.g. architecture, How we build TiDB

  • Start with improving the documentation.

  • There's always code that can be clarified and variables or functions that can be renamed or commented.

  • There's always a need for more test coverage.

  • Give a speech in your company/meetup/conference etc.

Learn to Use TiDB

Links in https://pingcap.com/docs lead to many relevant topics, including:

  • TiDB Introduction

  • TiDB Quick Start Guide

  • TiDB Operations Guide

  • TiDB User Guide

  • Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

  • TiDB Roadmap

Your First Contribution

You can start by finding an existing issue with the help-wanted label. These issues are well suited for new contributors.

If a PR (Pull Request) submitted to the TiDB/TiKV/TiSpark/PD/Docs/Docs-cn projects by you is approved and merged, then you become a TiDB Contributor.

Before submitting a pull request, sign the CLA.

If you want to work on a new idea of relatively small scope:

  1. Submit an issue describing your proposed change to the repo in question.

  2. The repo owners will respond to your issue promptly.

  3. If your proposed change is accepted, sign the CLA, and start work in your fork.

  4. Submit a pull request containing a tested change.

Once you become a TiDB contributor, check your name here: https://github.com/pingcap/tidb/blob/master/CONTRIBUTORS

Contributions are welcomed and greatly appreciated. See CONTRIBUTING.md for details on submitting patches and the contribution workflow.

How Do I Become a Committer?

First of all you need to get involved and be a Contributor.

Once you're contributing and your work is good, one of our Maintainers or PMC members may invite you to be a committer (after we've called a vote). When that happens, if you accept, the following process kicks into place...

Note that becoming a committer is not just about submitting some patches; it‘s also about helping out on the development and user Discussion Forums, helping with documentation and the issues.

See Become a Committer.md for becoming a committer steps and more details.


TiDB Blog

The TiDB Blog is a great resource pool to find content! We post the latest TiDB news including new releases and technical articles there. Check out this page: https://pingcap.com/blog

TiDB Weekly

This weekly newsletter highlights content from the community along with the latest TiDB weekly update & news.

Read the TiDB Weekly archives to catch up on all of the latest TiDB updates and hacks: https://pingcap.com/weekly


Another great resource for finding content! TiDB’s Slideshare account has slide decks from TiDB presentations -- you’re welcome to use and/or modify these slides when presenting to your own meetup group.

Tutorial Content

If you're interested in writing a tutorial for TiDB, please contact us: community@pingcap.com


TiDB Community is under the Apache 2.0 license. See the LICENSE.md file for details.


The Kubernetes, Apache and Docker community pages give us lots of good ideas about how to buid a community. Thank you!