
A Flask Rest API to register face to database and verification

Primary LanguagePython

<<<<<<< HEAD

Keras Face Verification System deployed as Flask REST API


A POST request can be used to integrate face verification in your system.

POST Request Format

  • Add
curl -X POST -F image=@sachin1.png 'http://localhost:5000/add?name=sachin'
  • Verify
curl -X POST -F image=@sachin2.png 'http://localhost:5000/verify?name=sachin'

Here name should be unique to the person like emailid or something and image should be the image file containing the person's face.

How to RUN

pip install -r requirements.txt
python main2.py

Output Response


  • First
	"message":"Person is verified correctly",
  • Second
	"message":"Person is not verified",
  • Third
    "code": -3,
    "message": "Name does not exist in database"
  • Fourth
	"message":"No frontal face detected on picture"
  • Fifth
	"message":"Model could not be loaded"

Score is the value of the similarity of the face with the registered face. Lower the value of score , means more similarity


  • First
	"message":"Face added to the database",
  • Second
	"message":"No frontal face detected",