
:book: My book (and articles) collection

Library 📖



  1. Tanenbaum - Modern OS
  2. Чистый Код. Роберт Мартин
  3. Чистая Архитектура. Роберт Мартин


  1. Rust API
  2. Rust for Rustaceans - Idiomatic Programming - Jon Gjengset

Distributed Systems

  1. Designing Data Intensive Applications
  2. Practical Hadoop Ecosystem
  3. Distributed Computing. Fundamentals, Simulations and Advanced Topics.pdf


  1. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach. Russell & Norvig

Other Stuff

  1. Теория Вероятностей. Конспекты Лекций

Articles 📘


  1. A Fast Parallel Clustering Algorithm for Large Spa
  2. Highly Parallel DBSCAN -> My implementation of that article

Event Sequences

  1. Sequence Braiding: Visual Overviews of Temporal Event Sequences and Attributes
  2. The Dynamic Chain Event Graph
  3. Sudden Event Prediction Based on Event Knowledge Graph


  1. Analysis of Overhead and Profitability in Nested Cloud Environments