
Primary LanguageVim Script


Parepre Settings

  1. ln -s init.vim ~/.config/nvim/
  2. ln -s go.snippets ~/.config/nvim/UltiSnips/
  3. ln -s coc-settings.json ~/.config/nvim/

Install dependencies

  • Install nvim: pip3 install neovim
  • Install nodejs for coc.nvim
  • Install llvm/clangd for coc.nvim
  • Install ctags for tagbar
  • Install jedi for python

Install plug-vim & plugins

curl -fLo ~/.config/nvim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs https://raw.githubusercontent.com/junegunn/vim-plug/master/plug.vim

  1. :PlugInstall
  2. :GoInstallBinaries
  3. :CocInstall coc-go
  4. :CocInstall coc-clangd
  5. :CocInstall coc-rust-analyzer
  6. :CocInstall coc-html/css/eslint/json etc

For Vim(version >= 8.19)

  1. change ~/.config/nvim/init.vim to ~/.vimrc
  2. change .config/nvim/* to .vim/*