Arches dependency containers

Provides dependency services by Arches version to allow developers to run projects on multiple versions of Arches simultaneously

Used Ports

Arches 6.1.x

Postgres 13.3.2:
    - 5432
CouchDB 2.1.1:
    - 5984
ElasticSearch 7.9.2:
    - 9200
    - 9300
RabbitMQ 3.x
    - 5672
    - 15672 (admin panel)

Arches 6.2.x

Postgres 14.3.2:
    - 5433
CouchDB 2.1.1:
    - 5985
ElasticSearch 7.9.2:
    - 9201
    - 9301
RabbitMQ 3.x
    - 5673
    - 15673 (admin panel)

Arches 7.0.x

Postgres 14.3.2:
    - 5434
ElasticSearch 8.3.1:
    - 9202
    - 9302
RabbitMQ 3.x
    - 5674
    - 15674 (admin panel)