
Planar navigation datasets for learning to plan on shortest path examples.

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

Tilebased navigation datasets

This repository contains two planar navigation datasets on tile-based videogame images, the Warcraft dataset and the Pokémon dataset, used for training Neural Weighted A*.

Table of contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Download
  3. Content


These dataset provide tile-based images of navigation areas paired with shortest paths connecting randomly-selected tiles. They are used in data-based planning settings to infer graph labeling from path examples. Each image is composed of a square grid of tiles, each mapped to a real-valued cost. Shortest paths are evaluated considering the 8-GridWorld setting, where each node is connected to only the neighboring nodes in the grid, including the diagonals.

The Warcraft dataset is adapted from Differentiation of Blackbox Combinatorial Solvers, while the Pokémon dataset is novel (source code). For a detailed description of the generation process, please refer to the Neural Weighted A* paper.

Dataset Image Costs Shortest path Source, Target Expanded nodes


The files are available here. They are stored in .npz format. To extract them, use

import numpy as np

def load_npz(path_to_file):
    loaded = np.load(path_to_file)
    return {
        "maps": loaded["maps"],
        "costs": loaded["costs"],
        "targets": loaded["targets"],
        "sources": loaded["sources"],
        "paths": loaded["paths"],
        "exp_nodes": loaded["exp_nodes"],


Each dataset is split in train, test, and validation subsets. Each data sample contains

  • a tile-based image of the navigation area,
  • the cost of traversing each tile,
  • a list of source-target tiles on each image,
  • the shortest paths connecting sources and targets,
  • the nodes expanded during the A* search.

Here are the summary statistics of the Warcraft and Pokémon datasets:

Warcraft Pokémon
Image samples (train) 10000 3000
Image samples (test) 1000 500
Image samples (validation) 1000 500
Image resolution 96x96 320x320
Tile resolution 8x8 16x16
Grid shape 12x12 20x20
Cost range [0.8, 9.2] [1, 25]
Targets per image 2 2
Sources per target 2 2
Total number of samples 48000 16000
Path length (avg, std) 11.2, 2.45 16.71, 3.07
Path costs (avg, std) 22.66, 12.83 38.94, 30.09

Each .npz file contains several Numpy arrays with the following shapes:

Array name Shape
maps (map_idx, image_height, image_width, color_channels)
costs (map_idx, grid_rows, grid_columns)
targets (map_idx, target_idx, target_coordinates)
sources (map_idx, target_idx, source_idx, source_coordinates)
paths (map_idx, target_idx, source_idx, grid_rows, grid_columns)
exp_nodes (map_idx, target_idx, source_idx, grid_rows, grid_columns)