
Command line tool to get searchable documentation for ruby, rails, gems, plugins and other ruby related code in one place

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Get searchable documentation for ruby, rails, gems, plugins and all other ruby code in one place.

Successor of sdoc_all.


sudo gem install doc
docr <place for your documentation>; cd <place for your documentation>
<your favorite editor> Rakefile
rake build
open public/index.html # that's true for mac


doc.title 'ruby, rails, gems'
doc.min_update_interval 1.week
doc.clean_after 1.day
doc.public_dir 'pub'

doc.ruby 'ruby', 'ruby1.9', :except => %w[win32ole tk], :index => 'ruby_quick_ref'
doc.rails 2, 3, :prerelease => true
doc.gems :except => %w[
  rails railties actionmailer actionpack activemodel activerecord activeresource activesupport
  yard keychain_services msgpack doc
], :prerelease => true
doc.paths '~/.plugins/*', :main => 'README*', :file_list => %w[+lib +README* +CHANGELOG*], :title => proc{ |path| "plugin #{path.basename}" }
doc.paths '~/var/ruby', :file_list => %w[+**/*.rb -_arc]

Global options

  • title for documentation title, default is 'ruby documentation'
  • min_update_interval — time between code updates, now used only for ruby source, default is 1 hour
  • clean_after — delete old generated documentation after this period of time, by default it is not set and no cleaning is made
  • public_dir — specify custom dir for final documentation, 'public' by default

ruby, rails, gems, paths — documentation configurators, below their options are explained, all configurators have default option which can be specified without key syntax

gem and path are just aliases to gems and paths


Specify what to document using:

  • source: path to ruby source
  • archive: path to archive with ruby source (bzipped tar, gzipped tar or zip)
  • version: ruby version in form X.Y, X.Y.Z or X.Y.Z-pPPP. Source will be downloaded from github.com/ruby/ruby or ruby-lang.org
  • binary: command which is asked to run code to automatically determine ruby version. Source will be downloaded as for version specifier

All those specifiers accepts multiple entries. Default option is binary, 'ruby' binary is used if version is not specified.

Other options:

  • format: can be :all to simply document all code, :separate to build core documentation and stdlib documentation separately and :integrate to integrate all stdlib to core
  • except: skip documenting certain parts (like win32ole and tk)
  • index: specify folder containing index.html to replace front page. Good place for cheat sheet or quick ref like one downloaded from zenspider.


Specify version(s) of rails to document using :version. Can be any part of version: 3, '3.0', '3.0.1'. That is default option so you can skip key. If version is not specified, latest found in installed gems will be used.

Use :prerelease => true to document prerelease versions.


Use :only to document only certain gems or use :except to skip them from being documented. :only is the default option.

Use :versions => :all if you want to document all installed versions.

Use :prerelease => true to document prerelease versions.


Default option is :glob. Specify list of globs (or paths), documentation will be created for every path matched by glob.

Use :main to specify main file. It is a list of file names, first one found at path will be used.

Use :file_list to filter what to document. It can be an Array of glob string prefixed with + and - to exclude or include or a proc receiving instance of Rake::FileList.

Use :title to specify title, it must be a proc receiving path and returning title.


Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Ivan Kuchin. See LICENSE.txt for details.