
A concourse resource to create infrastructure via Terraform

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Terraform Concourse Resource

A Concourse resource that allows jobs to modify IaaS resources via Terraform. Useful for creating a pool of reproducible environments. No more snowflakes!

See DEVELOPMENT if you're interested in submitting a PR 👍

Docker Pulls

Source Configuration

Note: If you need to store Terraform state file in a service other than S3, try the backend-beta image.

  • storage.driver: Optional. Default s3. The driver used to store the Terraform state file. Currently s3 is the only supported driver.

  • storage.bucket: Required. The S3 bucket used to store the state files.

  • storage.bucket_path: Required. The S3 path used to store state files, e.g. terraform-ci/.

  • storage.access_key_id: Required. The AWS access key used to access the bucket.

  • storage.secret_access_key: Required. The AWS secret key used to access the bucket.

  • storage.region_name: Optional. The AWS region where the bucket is located.

  • storage.server_side_encryption: Optional. An encryption algorithm to use when storing objects in S3, e.g. "AES256".

  • storage.sse_kms_key_id Optional. The ID of the AWS KMS master encryption key used for the object.

  • storage.endpoint: Optional. The endpoint for an s3-compatible blobstore (e.g. Ceph).

    Note: By default, the resource will use S3 signing version v2 if an endpoint is specified as many non-S3 blobstores do not support v4. Opt into v4 signing by setting storage.use_signing_v4: true.

  • delete_on_failure: Optional. Default false. If true, the resource will run terraform destroy if terraform apply returns an error.

  • vars: Optional. A collection of Terraform input variables. These are typically used to specify credentials or override default module values. See Terraform Input Variables for more details. Since Concourse currently only supports interpolating strings into the pipeline config, you may need to use Terraform helpers like split to handle lists and maps as inputs.

  • env: Optional. Similar to vars, this collection of key-value pairs can be used to pass environment variables to Terraform, e.g. "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID".

Source Example

Note: Declaring custom resources under resource_types requires Concourse 1.0 or newer.

- name: terraform
  type: docker-image
    repository: ljfranklin/terraform-resource

  - name: terraform
    type: terraform
        bucket: mybucket
        bucket_path: terraform-ci/
        access_key_id: {{storage_access_key}}
        secret_access_key: {{storage_secret_key}}
        tag_name: concourse
        AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: {{environment_access_key}}
        AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: {{environment_secret_key}}

Image Variants

  • Latest tagged release of Terraform: ljfranklin/terraform-resource:latest.
  • Specific versions of Terraform, e.g. ljfranklin/terraform-resource:0.7.7.
  • RC builds from Terraform pre-releases: ljfranklin/terraform-resource:rc.
  • Nightly builds from Terraform master branch: ljfranklin/terraform-resource:nightly.

See Dockerhub for a list of all available tags. If you'd like to build your own image from a specific Terraform branch, configure a pipeline with build-image-pipeline.yml.


This resource should usually be used with the put action rather than a get. This ensures the output always reflects the current state of the IaaS and allows management of multiple environments as shown below. A get step takes no parameters and outputs the same metadata file format shown below for put.

Depending on the context, the put step will perform one of three actions:

Create: If the state file does not exist, put will create all the IaaS resources specified by terraform_source. It then uploads the resulting state file using the configured storage driver.

Update: If the state file already exists, put will update the IaaS resources to match the desired state specified in terraform_source. It then uploads the updated state file.

Destroy: If the destroy action is specified, put will destroy all IaaS resources specified in the state file. It then deletes the state file using the configured storage driver.

Get Parameters

Note: In Concourse, a put is always followed by an implicit get. To pass get params via put, use put.get_params.

  • output_statefile: Optional. Default false If true, the resource writes the Terraform statefile to a file named terraform.tfstate. Warning: Ensure any changes to this statefile are persisted back to the resource's storage bucket. Another warning: Some statefiles contain unencrypted secrets, be careful not to expose these in your build logs.

  • output_module Optional. Write only the outputs from the given module name to the metadata file.

Put Parameters

  • terraform_source: Required. The relative path of the directory containing your Terraform configuration files. For example: if your .tf files are stored in a git repo called prod-config under a directory terraform-configs, you could do a get: prod-config in your pipeline with terraform_source: prod-config/terraform-configs/ as the source.

  • env_name: Optional. The name of the environment to create or modify. Multiple environments can be managed with a single resource.

  • generate_random_name: Optional. Default false Generates a random env_name (e.g. "coffee-bee"). Useful for creating lock files.

  • env_name_file: Optional. Reads the env_name from a specified file path. Useful for destroying environments from a lock file.

  • delete_on_failure: Optional. Default false. See description under source.delete_on_failure.

  • vars: Optional. A collection of Terraform input variables. See description under source.vars.

  • var_files: Optional. A list of files containing Terraform input variables. These files can be in YAML or JSON format.

    Terraform variables will be merged from the following locations in increasing order of precedence: source.vars, put.params.vars, and put.params.var_files. If a state file already exists, the outputs will be fed back in as input vars to subsequent puts with the lowest precedence. Finally, env_name is automatically passed as an input var.

  • env: Optional. A key-value collection of environment variables to pass to Terraform. See description under source.env.

  • plan_only: Optional. Default false This boolean will allow terraform to create a plan file and store it on S3. Warning: Plan files contain unencrypted credentials like AWS Secret Keys, only store these files in a private bucket.

  • plan_run: Optional. Default false This boolean will allow terraform to execute the plan file stored on S3, then delete it.

  • import_files: Optional. A list of files containing existing resources to import into the state file. The files can be in YAML or JSON format, containing key-value pairs like aws_instance.bar: i-abcd1234.

  • action: Optional. Used to indicate a destructive put. The only recognized value is destroy, create / update are the implicit defaults.

    Note: You must also set put.get_params.action to destroy to ensure the task succeeds. This is a temporary workaround until Concourse adds support for delete as a first-class operation. See this issue for more details.

  • plugin_dir: Optional. The relative path of the directory containing any third-party terraform plugins you wish to install. See https://www.terraform.io/docs/configuration/providers.html#third-party-plugins for more information. NOTE: the terraform CLI will not fetch plugins automatically if this is flag is provided. Therefore you must ensure that all required plugins are placed in this directory if you use this flag, whether they are third-party or not. The standard Hashicorp plugins can be found at https://releases.hashicorp.com/.

Put Example

  - name: create-env-and-lock
      # apply the terraform template with a random env_name
      - put: terraform
          generate_random_name: true
          delete_on_failure: true
      # create a new pool-resource lock containing the terraform output
      - put: locks
          add: terraform/

  - name: destroy-env-and-lock
      # acquire a lock
      - put: locks
          acquire: true
      # destroy the IaaS resources
      - put: terraform
          env_name_file: locks/name
          action: destroy
          action: destroy
      # destroy the lock
      - put: locks
          remove: locks/

Plan and apply example

- name: terraform-plan
    - put: terraform
        env_name: staging
        plan_only: true

- name: terraform-apply
    - get: terraform
      trigger: false
      passed: [terraform-plan]
    - put: terraform
        env_name: staging
        plan_run: true

Metadata file

Every put action creates name and metadata files as an output containing the env_name and Terraform Outputs in JSON format.

  - put: terraform
      env_name: e2e
      terraform_source: project-src/terraform
  - task: show-outputs
      platform: linux
        - name: terraform
        path: /bin/sh
          - -c
          - |
              echo "name: $(cat terraform/name)"
              echo "metadata: $(cat terraform/metadata)"

The preceding job would show a file similar to the following:

name: e2e
metadata: { "vpc_id": "vpc-123456", "vpc_tag_name": "concourse" }




See the Concourse pipeline for additional examples.