
BigMachines is State Machine library for .NET

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

BigMachines is State Machine library for .NET

Nuget Build and Test

  • Very versatile and easy to use.

  • Running machines and sending commands to each machine is designed to be lock-free.

  • Full serialization features integrated with Tinyhand, ValueLink, CrystalData.

  • Simplifies complex and long-running tasks.

Table of Contents


Visual Studio 2022 or later for Source Generator V2.

C# 12 or later for generated codes.

.NET 8 or later target framework.

Quick Start

Install BigMachines using Package Manager Console.

Install-Package BigMachines

This is a small sample code to use BigMachines.

using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Arc.Threading;
using BigMachines;

namespace QuickStart;

// Create a BigMachine class that acts as the root for managing machines.
// In particular, define an empty partial class, add a BigMachineObject attribute, and then add AddMachine attributes for the Machine you want to include.
public partial class BigMachine { }

[MachineObject] // Add a MachineObject attribute.
public partial class FirstMachine : Machine<int> // Inherit Machine class. The type of an identifier is int.
    public FirstMachine()
        this.DefaultTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1); // The default time interval for machine execution.
        this.Lifespan = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5); // The time until the machine automatically terminates.

    public int Count { get; set; }

    [StateMethod(0)] // Add a StateMethod attribute and set the state method id 0 (default state).
    protected StateResult Initial(StateParameter parameter)
    {// This code is inside the machine's exclusive lock.
        Console.WriteLine($"FirstMachine {this.Identifier}: Initial");
        this.ChangeState(FirstMachine.State.One); // Change to state One.
        return StateResult.Continue; // Continue (StateResult.Terminate to terminate machine).

    [StateMethod] // If a state method id is not specified, the hash of the method name is used.
    protected StateResult One(StateParameter parameter)
        Console.WriteLine($"FirstMachine {this.Identifier}: One - {this.Count++}");
        return StateResult.Continue;

    [CommandMethod] // Add a CommandMethod attribute to a method which receives and processes commands.
    protected CommandResult TestCommand(string message)
        Console.WriteLine($"Command received: {message}");
        return CommandResult.Success;

    protected override void OnTermination()
        Console.WriteLine($"FirstMachine {this.Identifier}: Terminated");
        ThreadCore.Root.Terminate(); // Send a termination signal to the root.

public class Program
    public static async Task Main(string[] args)
        var bigMachine = new BigMachine(); // Create a BigMachine instance.
        bigMachine.Start(ThreadCore.Root); // Launch BigMachine to run machines and change the parent of the BigMachine thread to the application thread.

        var testMachine = bigMachine.FirstMachine.GetOrCreate(42); // Machine is created via an interface class and the identifier, not the machine class itself.
        testMachine.TryGetState(out var state); // Get the current state. You can operate machines using the interface class.
        Console.WriteLine($"FirstMachine state: {state}");

        testMachine = bigMachine.FirstMachine.GetOrCreate(42); // Get the created machine.
        testMachine.RunAsync().Wait(); // Run the machine manually.

        var testControl = bigMachine.FirstMachine; // Control is a collection of machines.

        Console.WriteLine("Enumerates identifiers.");
        foreach (var x in testControl.GetIdentifiers())
            Console.WriteLine($"Machine Id: {x}");


        await testMachine.Command.TestCommand("Test message"); // Send a command to the machine.

        await ThreadCore.Root.WaitForTerminationAsync(-1); // Wait for the termination infinitely.

Machine Types

BigMachines supports several types of machine.

Passive Machine

Passive machine can be run and the state can be changed by an external operation.

public partial class PassiveMachine : Machine<int>
    public static async Task Test(BigMachine bigMachine)
        var machine = bigMachine.PassiveMachine.GetOrCreate(0);

        await machine.Command.ReceiveString("message 1"); // Send a command.

        await machine.RunAsync(); // Manually run the machine.

        var result = machine.ChangeState(State.First); // Change the state from State.Initial to State.First
        await machine.RunAsync(); // Manually run the machine.

        result = machine.ChangeState(State.Second); // Change the state from State.First to State.Second (denied)
        await machine.RunAsync(); // Manually run the machine.

        result = machine.ChangeState(State.Second); // Change the state from State.First to State.Second (approved)
        await machine.RunAsync(); // Manually run the machine.

    public PassiveMachine()

    public int Count { get; set; }

    protected StateResult Initial(StateParameter parameter)
        Console.WriteLine($"PassiveMachine: Initial - {this.Count++}");
        return StateResult.Continue;

    protected StateResult First(StateParameter parameter)
        Console.WriteLine($"PassiveMachine: First - {this.Count++}");
        return StateResult.Continue;

    protected bool FirstCanExit()
    {// State Name + "CanExit": Determines if it is possible to change from the state.
        return true;

    protected StateResult Second(StateParameter parameter)
        Console.WriteLine($"PassiveMachine: Second - {this.Count++}");
        return StateResult.Continue;

    protected bool SecondCanEnter()
    {// State Name + "CanEnter": Determines if it is possible to change to the state.
        var result = this.Count > 2;
        var message = result ? "Approved" : "Denied";
        Console.WriteLine($"PassiveMachine: {this.GetState().ToString()} -> {State.Second.ToString()}: {message}");
        return result;

    protected CommandResult ReceiveString(string message)
        Console.WriteLine($"PassiveMachine command: {message}");
        return CommandResult.Success;

Intermittent Machine

Intermittent machine is a machine that runs at regular intervals.

public partial class IntermittentMachine : Machine<int>
    public static void Test(BigMachine bigMachine)
        // The machine will run at regular intervals (1 second).
        var machine = bigMachine.IntermittentMachine.GetOrCreate(0);

    public IntermittentMachine()
        this.DefaultTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1); // Default time interval for machine execution.
        this.Lifespan = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5); // The time until the machine automatically terminates.

    public int Count { get; set; }

    protected StateResult Initial(StateParameter parameter)
        Console.WriteLine($"IntermittentMachine: Initial - {this.Count++}");
        if (this.Count > 2)

        return StateResult.Continue;

    protected StateResult First(StateParameter parameter)
        Console.WriteLine($"IntermittentMachine: First - {this.Count++}");
        this.TimeUntilRun = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5); // Change the timeout of the machine.
        return StateResult.Continue;

Continuous Machine

Continuous machine is different from passive and intermittent machine (passive and intermittent machine are virtually the same).

It's designed for heavy and time-consuming tasks.

[MachineObject(Control = MachineControlKind.Sequential, NumberOfTasks = 1)]
public partial class SequentialMachine : Machine<int>
{// SequentialMachine executes one at a time, in the order of their creation.
    public static void Test(BigMachine bigMachine)

    public SequentialMachine()
        this.Lifespan = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5);
        this.DefaultTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1);

    public int Count { get; set; }

    protected async Task<StateResult> Initial(StateParameter parameter)
        Console.WriteLine($"SequentialMachine machine[{this.Identifier}]: {this.Count++}");

        await Task.Delay(500).ConfigureAwait(false); // Some heavy task

        if (this.Count >= 3)
            return StateResult.Terminate;

        return StateResult.Continue;

To improve response and share resource, heavy task should not be done at once, but divided into several smaller tasks.


Thanks to Tinyhand and CrystalData, serialization and persistence of BigMachine is very easy.

Add the TinyhandObject attribute to the Machine class, and use the code below to serialize and deserialize.

public partial class TestMachine : Machine<int> {}
var bin = TinyhandSerializer.Serialize(bigMachine);
var bigMachine2 = TinyhandSerializer.Deserialize<BigMachine>(bin);

If you want to save to a file, register it with CrystalData as shown in the following code.

var builder = new CrystalControl.Builder()
    .ConfigureCrystal(context =>
            FileConfiguration = new LocalFileConfiguration("Data/BigMachine.tinyhand"),
            SavePolicy = SavePolicy.Manual,
            SaveFormat = SaveFormat.Utf8,
            NumberOfFileHistories = 3,


Identifier is a key concept of BigMachines.


Virtual methods

These are virtual functions of Machine class.

You can override and use them when necessary.

/// <summary>
/// Called when the machine is newly created.<br/>
/// Note that it is not called after deserialization.<br/>
/// <see cref="OnCreate(object?)"/> -> <see cref="OnStart()"/> -> <see cref="OnTerminate"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="createParam">The parameters used when creating a machine.</param>
protected virtual void OnCreate(object? createParam)

/// <summary>
/// Called when the machine is ready to start<br/>
/// Note that it is called before the actual state method.<br/>
/// <see cref="OnCreate(object?)"/> -> <see cref="OnStart()"/> -> <see cref="OnTerminate"/>.
/// </summary>
protected virtual void OnStart()

/// <summary>
/// Called when the machine is terminating.<br/>
///  This code is inside a semaphore lock.<br/>
///  <see cref="OnCreate(object?)"/> -> <see cref="OnStart()"/> -> <see cref="OnTerminate"/>.
/// </summary>
protected virtual void OnTerminate()

Service provider

Since the machine is independent, you cannot pass parameters directly when creating an instance (and mainly for the deserialization process).

public class SomeService
    public void Print(string? text) => Console.WriteLine($"Some service : {text}");

// Machine depends on SomeService.
[MachineObject(UseServiceProvider = true)]
public partial class ServiceProviderMachine : Machine<int>
    public static void Test(BigMachine bigMachine)
        bigMachine.ServiceProviderMachine.GetOrCreate(0, "A"); // Create a machine and set a parameter.

    public ServiceProviderMachine(SomeService service)
        : base()
        this.Service = service;
        this.DefaultTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1);
        this.Lifespan = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3);

    protected override void OnCreation(object? createParam)
    {// Receives the parameter at the time of creation. Note that it is not called during deserialization.
        this.Text = (string?)createParam;

    public SomeService Service { get; }

    public string? Text { get; set; }

    protected StateResult Initial(StateParameter parameter)
        return StateResult.Continue;

Recursive calls checker

Relationships between machines can become complicated, and may lead to circular command issuing.

Exception handling

Each machine is designed to run independently.

So exceptions thrown in machines are handled by BigMachine's main thread (BigMachine.Core), not by the caller.

In detail, exceptions are registered to BigMachine using BigMachine.ReportException(), and handled by the following method in BigMachine's main thread.

private static void DefaultExceptionHandler(BigMachineException exception)
    throw exception.Exception;

You can set a custom exception handler using BigMachine.SetExceptionHandler().