
Trainer for audio-diffusion-pytorch

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

audio-diffusion-pytorch-trainer notebook: Open In Colab


(Optional) Create virtual environment and activate it

python3 -m venv venv

source venv/bin/activate

Install requirements

pip install -r requirements.txt

Add environment variables, rename .env.tmp to .env and replace with your own variables (example values are random)


# Required if using wandb logger

# Required if using Common Voice dataset

Run Experiments

Run test experiment, see the exp folder for other experiments (create your own .yaml file there to run a custom experiment!)

python train.py exp=base_test

Run on GPU(s)

python train.py exp=base_test trainer.gpus=1

Resume run from a checkpoint

python train.py exp=base_test +ckpt=/logs/ckpts/2022-08-17-01-22-18/'last.ckpt'


How do I use the CommonVoice dataset?

Before running an experiment on commonvoice dataset you have to:

  1. Create a Huggingface account if you don't already have one here
  2. Accept the terms of the version of common voice dataset you will be using by clicking on it and selecting "Access repository".
  3. Add your access token to the .env file, for example HUGGINGFACE_TOKEN=hf_NUNySPyUNsmRIb9sUC4FKR2hIeacJOr4Rm.
How do I load the model once I'm done training?

If you want to load the checkpoint to restore training with the trainer you can do python train.py exp=my_experiment +ckpt=/logs/ckpts/2022-08-17-01-22-18/'last.ckpt'.

Otherwise if you want to instantiate a model from the checkpoint:

from main.mymodule import Model
model = Model.load_from_checkpoint(

to get only the PyTorch .pt checkpoint you can save the internal model weights as torch.save(model.model.state_dict(), 'torchckpt.pt').

Why no checkpoint is created at the end of the epoch?

If the epoch is shorter than log_every_n_steps it doesn't save the checkpoint at the end of the epoch, but after the provided number of steps. If you want to checkpoint more frequently you can add every_n_train_steps to the ModelCheckpoint e.g.:

    _target_: pytorch_lightning.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint
    monitor: "valid_loss"   # name of the logged metric which determines when model is improving
    save_top_k: 1           # save k best models (determined by above metric)
    save_last: True         # additionaly always save model from last epoch
    mode: "min"             # can be "max" or "min"
    verbose: False
    dirpath: ${logs_dir}/ckpts/${now:%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S}
    filename: '{epoch:02d}-{valid_loss:.3f}'
    every_n_train_steps: 10

Note that logging the checkpoint so frequently is not recommended in general, since it takes a bit of time to store the file.