- prerequisite
- kubernetes cluster up and running
- Connectivity to download packages
- clone test repository : git clone https://github.com/archit1012/test
$ cd level1/
$ python automation.py
- Deploys guestbook application in staging and production namespace
- Deploys nginx ingress controller and creates routes
configure /etc/host file add below entry
- IP guestbook.testweb.io
- IP staging-guestbook.testweb.io
Testing Autoscaller
- $ sh load_generator.sh
- It sends get request in infinite loop and after couple of minutes one can see new pod getting created
Refer: level1/Test_documentation.pdf
- file contains executed steps and evidence for each step given in assignment
$ cd level2/
$ python automation2.py
- Deploys Helm, guestbook application, promethues, grafana and EFK stack
Exposing NodePort
- Get all running services
- $ kubectl get svc --all-namespaces | grep -i nodeport
- Create rule in firewall for google cloud
- $ gcloud compute firewall-rules create --allow tcp:
- Get all running services
Accessing grafana and Kiabana
- IP of Master Node:NodePort
Creating visualization for grafana
- Add datasource for grafana : http://prometheus-service.monitoring:8080/
- Create visualizing by adding json file "level2/yaml_files/grafana/grafana_dashboard_json_model_k8s_pod_matrics.json"
Creating visualization for Kiabana
- Create index "logstash*" and add @timestamp as filter
Refer: level2/Level2-Test_documentation.pdf
- file contains executed steps and evidence for each step given in assignment