
A React and Django web-app that display weather based on the city entered by the user.


Start typing a city name and autosuggestions will appear
Autosuggestions in Desktop

AutoSuggestions Desktop View

Weather information

Desktop View of Weather data

Respoonsive React App - works well in tablet and mobile views
AutoSuggestions in Mobile View Mobile view of weather data

Installation Instructions

  • After cloning the repository, cd into it and run following commands:
# Create a virtual environment for the backend
virtualenv env

# Activate the virtual environment
source env/bin/activate

# Install the packages
pip install -r requirements.txt

# Make executable 
chmod +x

# Install nodemon gloablly to auto-reload the server when making changes in the files
npm install -g nodemon

# cd into the frontend directory
cd frontend

# Install packages for the React app
npm install

# Use npm-watch to track the changes being made in the React app
npm run watch
source env/bin/activate
cd backend

# To run Django dev server and watch file changes in the app
nodemon --exec python runserver

Technical Details

Code Architecture


  • frontend directory:
    • React app, which can be run separately on its own by running npm start in the frontend directory, after installing the node_modules.
  • backend directory:
    • Main Django app, on which the whole application is running.
    • For automating build scripts of React and using those static files as Django templates
  • env:
    • Virtual environment for the Django project
  • requirements.txt:
    • Dependency list of the Django app


  • Inside frontend/package.json, npm-watch module is included as a dev dependency because it will detect changes in the React app (frontend/src and frontend/public) and buildapp will run script.
  • Every time script runs, it will generate static bundle files from the React app and ./ collectstatic will collect those static files and store them inside backend/static
  • Whitenoise:
    • This package is used to serve and cache static files from frontend/build/root/ whenever needed.
  • Files stored at frontend/build/static will be served at /static/ URL, settings for the same are specified in backend/weatherfinder/
  • Django's will go to, which will render index.html file of React app.
  • This index.html when rendered, will have links to static JS bundle files and they'll be considered as Django templates and served from there.
  • Nodemon:
    • Keeps track of changes being made in the file and reruns the file or server based on changes in the source code.
  • nodemon --exec python runserver will run the development server and every time some changes happen in the Django web-app or its static files, nodemon will re-start the django dev server.

APIs Used:

  • To display weather based on city, country, latitude, longitude, etc.
OpenWeatherMap API Endpoints
Weather display data JSON details
  • Type of weather
    • weather[0].description
  • Weather type icon
    • weather[0].icon
  • latitude, longitude
    • coord.lon,
  • temperature (given in K) = (K-273) celcius
    • main.temp
  • Humidity in %
    • main.humidity
  • Wind speed (given in m/s) = ms*3.6 kmph
    • wind.speed

Reference: Hybrid app model used to integrate React app with Django