
Rust runtime + workflow integration for Architect

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Rust runtime + workflow integration for Architect

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This project assumes you have Rust (cargo, etc.) installed and working on your machine. If not, please see the Rust installation instructions.

You will also need to have cargo-lambda installed (see installation instructions).

In your existing Architect project:

npm i @architect/plugin-rust --save-dev

Add the following to your Architect project manifest (usually app.arc):

runtime rust # sets Rust as the the default runtime for your entire project


Or, if you'd prefer to add a single Rust Lambda to start, forego the above runtime rust setting in your project manifest, and add the following to a single @http get / Lambda:

# src/http/get-index/config.arc
runtime rust


Create new Lambdas by specifying them in your project manifest, then running npx arc create (which will run the appropriate cargo lambda new ... command.)

Alternately, you can manually author (or port) Lambdas in the src tree (with appropriate Cargo files). For example:

// src/http/get-index/src/main.rs
extern crate json;
use json::{stringify};
use lambda_http::{run, service_fn, Body, Error, Request, Response};

async fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {

async fn function_handler(_event: Request) -> Result<Response<Body>, Error> {
  let body = object!{
    ok: true,
  let resp = Response::builder()
    .header("content-type", "application/json")

The above function will be automatically compiled by Architect to ./.build/http/get-index/ with cargo build (for local development) and cargo lambda build --release (for final deployment to Lambda) commands. (The destination build directory is configurable, see below.)

When working locally, Sandbox automatically detects changes to your Rust handlers and re-compiles them for you.


Lambda architecture

By default, Architect Rust uses the Lambda architecture available in all regions: x86_64. However, if your app is deployed in a region that supports arm64, we strongly suggest configuring that like so in your project manifest:

architecture arm64

Caveat: due to the way Architect runtime plugins work under the hood, Architect Rust only respects the project's global architecture setting. If your project includes non-rust Lambdas that need to use a different architecture, their architecture should be configured individually via config.arc.

Project manifest settings

The following higher-level settings are also available in your Architect project manifest with the @rust settings pragma:

  • build - customize the build directory; defaults to .build
    • Note: make sure you add this directory to your .gitignore


# Build into `./dist`
build dist

Build output

cargo features fairly verbose output logging, which is disabled by default. To enable it, pass the CLI flag --verbose|-v or --debug|-d.