
List of Architect plugins by the community + maintainers

Architect plugins

A collection of plugins for the OpenJS Architect framework

Plugins maintained by Architect

  • TypeScript - TypeScript runtime support with realtime Lambda transpiling + sourcemaps
  • Rust - Rust runtime support with automatic compiling
  • Go - Go runtime support with automatic compiling
  • External @tables - Enable access to external DynamoDB tables from other Architect projects, legacy Architect projects, and non-Architect projects
  • Sandbox Lambda invoker - Interactively invoke Lambdas in Sandbox with arbitrary events
  • Node.js prune - Clean excess node_modules cruft from your project during deployment
  • Budget watch - Monitor app spend and stop Lambdas when the limit is reached
  • Storage private - Define any number of arbitrary private S3 buckets for your application
  • Storage public - Define any number of arbitrary public S3 buckets for your application
  • API Gateway REST API - Support for legacy API Gateway REST APIs
  • Remix - Deploy a Remix app to AWS Lambda and S3 with support for remix watch built into Sandbox.

Plugins maintained by the community

Note: community plugins are not officially supported, endorsed, or closely vetted by Architect maintainers. As with any code from vendors unknown to you, reviewing such plugins before adding them to your project is advisable.