- 6
Missed Jupiter Moon Event
#27 opened by Cannikev - 3
0.5.11: pytest fails in 7 units
#24 opened by kloczek - 1
0.5.11: documentation build fails with sphinx 8.x
#26 opened by kloczek - 2
- 2
Interpolation in Coordinates.times_rise_transit_set() fails when values wrap around 360
#23 opened by janbredenbeek - 1
Sun.equation_of_time() returns incorrect values around the Spring equinox
#22 opened by janbredenbeek - 3
- 2
How to cite PyMeeus?
#21 opened by benoitespinola - 2
error in winter solstice
#17 opened by zivoslav - 6
Test on more python versions
#15 opened by sevdog - 3
- 1
Pypi installer quarantined for "high risk CVSS score" by Sonatype Nexus IQ vulnerability detector, for dependency on underscore.js
#18 opened by elizabethswkim - 2
Missing git tags
#12 opened by kloczek - 5
0.5.11: shphinx warnings
#13 opened by kloczek - 2
Issue in installing pymeeus
#8 opened by dheerajkumar-solanki - 3
UnicodeDecodeError while installing
#5 opened by ajaykumarbharaj - 3
- 3
Missing README.rst in the package
#4 opened by harsha-mohan - 1
Relax dependency versions
#2 opened by PureTryOut