orbitdeterminator is a package written in python3 for determining orbit of satellites based on positional data. Various filtering and determination algorithms are available for satellite operators to choose from.
For this guide we will be using miniconda, you are free to use any virtual environment setup
Step 1: Install miniconda using script and instruction here
Step 2: After installation, create a virtualenv with python3.5 as
conda create -n env_name python=3.5.2
Step 3: Activate your virtualenv
conda activate env_name
*Rest of the guide will assume that virtualenv is activated
Run the following commands to install orbitdeterminator:
Step 1: Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/aerospaceresearch/orbitdeterminator/
Step 2: Change directory to orbitdeterminator
cd orbitdeterminator
Step 3: Install required dependencies
sudo apt-get install python-tk
python setup.py install
or manually install with
pip install -r requirements.txt
Step 4: Test your setup
If guide is followed correctly then pytest will not show any failed test case. After this, program can be used (to learn how to use the program check orbitdeterminator tutorials here)
All the steps are same except for Step 3 from Linux Users guide
For Step 3, instead of using pip use conda to install pykep and matplotlib
conda install pykep==2.1
conda install matplotlib
Now, remove these two dependencies from requirements.txt and then run
pip install -r requirements.txt
If you don't want to use conda to install pykep and matplotlib, then you can just build pykep from source with instructions from their official website here, and remove pykep as dependency from requirement file. After this you can follow guide for Linux users above.
PRs are welcomed. For contributing to orbitdeterminator refer CONTRIBUTING.md. If there are any issues or ideas they can be addressed through the issues or in chat room.