Train different session (contextual, sequential) based product recommendation recommenders for E-commerce use case and compare the performance of the recommenders.
In the deliverables and experiments, one of the recommenders needs to be a Deep RL recommender [DRL2, DRL1, or DRL3] and at least two different datasets are used for training/testing. Also, at least two offline evaluation metrics are used for benchmarking.
Our Approach:
Among all the available dataset options, we have selected two e-commerce datasets for our project, Retail Rocket and H&M Dataset. We assessed both Deep RL and Non Deep RL models on each dataset to compare performance using various recommender evaluation metrics.
We studied the implementation of Deep Reinforcement Learning recommenders (DRL) in the DRL2 Models
research paper. We ran experiments using models like SA2C and SNQN on our datasets to produce top@K products for every user. The detailed data preparation, model building, and evaluation methodology is present in DRL_Recommenders/README.md
For the second part of creating Non Deep Reinforcement Learning (Non-DRL) models, we experimented with Microsoft's recommenders
module and the cornac
module by PreferredAI. After exploring different explicit and implicit feedback based Non-DRL recommenders, we implemented Bayesian Personalised Ranking (BPR) for each dataset. The detailed data preparation, model building, and evaluation methodology is present in Non_DRL_Recommenders/README.md
We have used two E-commerce datasets for our project. Following are the details of the datasets used
1. Dataset #1 - Retail Rocket Dataset
The first dataset used was from Retail Rocket. Retail Rocket is a company that generates personalized product recommendations for shopping websites and provides customer segmentation based on user interests and other parameters. The dataset was collected from a real-world e-commerce website and consisted of raw data, i.e., data without any content transformation. However, all values are hashed to address confidentiality concerns. Among the files in the dataset, only the behavior data (events.csv) is used in this project. The behavior data is a timestamped log of events like clicks, add to carts, and transactions that represent different interactions made by visitors on the e-commerce website over a time period of 4.5 months. There are a total of 2756101 events produced by 1407580 unique visitors.
2. Dataset #2 - H&M Dataset
The second dataset was from H&M Group. H&M Group is a family of brands and businesses with 53 online markets and approximately 4,850 stores. Their online store offers shoppers an extensive selection of products to browse through. The available metadata spans from simple data, such as garment type and customer age, to text data from product descriptions, to image data from garment images. Among the files in the dataset, only the transaction data (transactions_train.csv) has been used in our project. This file consists of the customer purchases for each date and additional information like price and sales channel. Duplicate rows correspond to multiple purchases of the same item.
We have created Driver Jupiter Notebooks for each model type (DRL and Non-DRL), and both datasets (Retail Rocket and H&M). These notebooks can be uploaded to the Google Colab. They contain all the code and corresponding descriptions to reproduce the results.
All the required datasets have been uploaded to an AWS S3 bucket. The driver notebooks automatically clone our GitHub repository and download the required datasets from the S3 bucket before executing modeling and evaluation scripts.
1. Run Deep Reinforcement Learning Models
Jupyter notebook at DRL_Recommenders/Dataset_1_Retail_Rocket/RR_SA2C_Recommender.ipynb
contains all the code and corresponding descriptions to reproduce the results for Retail Rocket Dataset. Similary DRL_Recommenders/Dataset_2_HM/HM_SNQN_Recommender.ipynb
contains all the code and corresponding descriptions to reproduce the results for H&M Dataset. For your convenience, the steps are recapped below:
- Launch
Driver Notebook
in a Google Colab instance - Run the first cell to clone the git repository containing all source code
- Run the second cell to install required Python library
- Run the third cell to download the required dataset to the Colab instance
- Run the fourth cell to pre-process data and generate replay buffer for Deep Reinforcement Learning
- Run the final cell to begin model training and evaluation
2. Run Non Deep Reinforcement Learning Models
Jupyter notebook at Non_DRL_Recommenders/Dataset_1_Retail_Rocket/BPR_Retail_Rocket.ipynb
contains all the code and corresponding descriptions to reproduce the results for Retail Rocket Dataset. Similary DRL_Recommenders/Dataset_2_HM/BPR_HM.ipynb
contains all the code and corresponding descriptions to reproduce the results for H&M Dataset. For your convenience, the steps are recapped below:
- Launch
Driver Notebook
in a Google Colab instance - Run the first cell to clone the git repository containing all source code
- Run the second cell to install required Python library
- Run the third cell to download the required dataset to the Colab instance
- Run the fourth and following cells to pre-process data and generate training dataset
- Run the last cell to train and evaluate the model and produce evaluation metrics
The evaluation metrics used are Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain (NDCG), Mean Reciprocal Rank (MRR), Mean Average Precision (MAP), and Hit Ratio (HR).
- NDCG@k measures the quality of the recommendation list based on the top-k ranking of items in the list higher ranked items are scored higher
- RR@K' ("reciprocal-rank-at-k"): is the inverse rank (one divided by the rank) of the first item among the top-K recommended that is in the test data. The average across users is typically referred to as the "Mean Reciprocal Rank" or MRR
- map@K measures the average precision@K averaged over all queries (for the entire dataset)
- HR@k measures whether the ground-truth item is in the top-k positions of the recommendation list generated by the model
Note: By default, the HR@k metric is not included in the cornac library used to make the Non-DRL Recommender using the BPR model. Hence, we forked the library and implemented the HR@k metric under the metrics/ranking.py and eval_methods/base_method.py scripts [8].
1. Results for Retail Rocket Dataset
DRL Model Results | Non DRL Model Results | ||||||||||||
2. Results for H&M Dataset
DRL Model Results | Non DRL Model Results | ||||||||||||
├─ DRL_Recommenders
│ ├─ Dataset_1_Retail_Rocket
│ │ ├─ RR_SA2C_Recommender.ipynb
│ │ ├─ RR_data
│ │ │ └─ README.md
│ │ ├─ requirements.txt
│ │ └─ src
│ │ ├─ NextItNetModules_v2.py
│ │ ├─ SA2C_v2.py
│ │ ├─ SASRecModules_v2.py
│ │ ├─ gen_replay_buffer.py
│ │ └─ utility_v2.py
│ ├─ Dataset_2_HM
│ │ ├─ HM_SNQN_Recommender.ipynb
│ │ ├─ HM_data
│ │ │ └─ README.md
│ │ ├─ requirements.txt
│ │ └─ src
│ │ ├─ NextItNetModules_v2.py
│ │ ├─ SASRecModules_v2.py
│ │ ├─ SNQN_v2.py
│ │ ├─ gen_replay_buffer.py
│ │ └─ utility_v2.py
│ └─ README.md
├─ Non_DRL_Recommenders
│ ├─ Dataset_1_Retail_Rocket
│ │ └─ BPR_Retail_Rocket.ipynb
│ ├─ Dataset_2_HM
│ │ └─ BPR_HM.ipynb
│ ├─ README.md
│ ├─ bpr_model.py
│ └─ requirements.txt
└─ README.md
Supervised Advantage Actor-Critic for Recommender Systems | X. Xin, A. Karatzoglou, I. Arapakis, and J. M. Jose, Proceedings of ACM Conference (Conference’17), 2021.
Data Preparation for Colborative Filtering | Microsoft https://github.com/microsoft/recommenders/blob/main/examples/01_prepare_data/data_transform.ipynb
Cornac Movie Recommendation using BPR | Microsoft https://github.com/microsoft/recommenders/blob/main/examples/02_model_collaborative_filtering/cornac_bpr_deep_dive.ipynb
Bayesian Personalised Ranking (BPR) Evaluation Example | PreferredAI, Cornac https://github.com/PreferredAI/cornac/blob/master/examples/bpr_netflix.py https://cornac.preferred.ai/
BPR: Bayesian personalized ranking from implicit feedback | Rendle, S., Freudenthaler, C., Gantner, Z., & Schmidt-Thieme, L. (2009, June). https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1205/1205.2618.pdf
Retailrocket, “Retailrocket Recommender System Dataset,” Kaggle, 24-Mar-2017. [Online]. Available: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/retailrocket/ecommerce-dataset. [Accessed: 5-Dec-2022].
H&M Group, “H&M personalized fashion recommendations,” Kaggle, 09-May-2022. [Online]. Available: https://www.kaggle.com/competitions/h-and-m-personalized-fashion-recommendations. [Accessed: 5-Dec-2022].
Forked and modified version of "PreferredAI/cornac" library. Available: https://github.com/textomatic/cornac