
Hackathon was conducted on Kaggle

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT


Hackathon was conducted on Kaggle.

Description: You are Bruce Banner (aka The Hulk). Dr Strange needs your help setting up communication devices which work across different universes. To do this, you need to know how charges behave in the target universe. So you set up a little experiment: You keep two charges of constant magnitude at various positions (one at a fixed location throughout, and one you move to different locations as per your convenience). You record the relative x-position, the relative y-position and the magnitude of the force between the two charges. For convenience, you record the inverses of the positions i.e. 1/position . Now, your job is to create a regression model which can predict the magnitude of force given the inverses of the x and y positions.

Evaluation: Your predictions will be evaluated using the Mean Squared Error between the actual force and your predicted force.

Rules: Mentioned in the pdf.

Kaggle Link : https://www.kaggle.com/c/2021ai511ml-assignment-2-group-1-regression


Team Name : MaRVeL

Rank Obtained :

  • Public leaderboard: 11
  • Private leaderboard: 11

Kaggle Score :

  • Public leaderboard: 9.49678
  • Private leaderboard: 9.34866

Slides Regarding the approach : Look up the PDF.

Team Members :