- acurleyUS Department of the Treasury
- alifabetaBowie, MD
- asteinoUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- chrispromUrbana, IL
- cokernel
- cposton@AtlasSystems
- danhorst@Interfolio
- davidbasswwuWestern Washington University
- dmmd
- gallinaceo
- garfieldnateIQM Research Institute
- GeoffFrohDensho
- jasonzou
- jaygreasley
- jbfinkMcMaster University
- jenyoung@nulib
- jgambill@HeardLibrary
- josephkesAthens / London
- KManegold@asulibraries
- m-narayanarrivusystems
- metadatalibrary
- ns96Instras Scientific LLC
- RayLubinskyUniversity of Virginia
- ruthtillman
- rywallCulture Code
- samalloingKB - National Library of the Netherlands
- shauntru
- StefanoCecereMilkyWay.Sun.Earth.Italy.Florence
- stuartyeates
- todrobbins@BONCOM
- vabMIT, ProtonMail, STO
- whelmanAlbert S. Cook Library, Towson University
- williedev
- witt
- wna-seUppsala University, @NBISweden
- z3ckaLos Angeles, CA