
MA Week 1: Command-line airport management in Ruby (weekend challenge)

Primary LanguageRubyOtherNOASSERTION

Makers Academy Week One - Airport Challenge

16-17 June 2018

First week (weekend) solo project, consolidating learning around OOP, TDD and pair-programming. Closely followed a TDD approach, with all unit tests written before methods according to user stories. The goal was to build a functioning airport management system, landing/taking-off planes and managing their storage. A random weather variable was also added, which raises errors if planes try to land in stormy conditions.

Full project details and user stories here.


  • All features fully implemented.
  • All tests passing with 100% coverage.
  • All methods ≤ 5 lines long.
  • Code fully conforms to Rubocop style guide.


Written in Ruby using Rspec for unit tests & irb for feature testing.


require './lib/airport.rb'
airport = Airport.new # Creates new instance of Airport class
plane = Plane.new # Creates new instance of Plane class
airport.land_plane(plane) # Changes status of plane and pushes it to hangar
airport.hangar # Contents of hangar
airport.take_off_plane # Removes plane from hangar, changes status of plane
airport.weather.change_condition # Calls a random weather condition

Further Improvements

  • Allow for planes to accept airports as arguments & take over landing responsibility.
  • Potential for adding contexts to spec code.
  • Potential for tightening the take-off/hangar management system.