
MA Week 5-6: Bowling scorecard in Javascript (weekend challenge)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Makers Academy Week Five & Six - Bowling Challenge

14-15 & 21-22 July 2018

Fifth and sixth week (weekend) solo project, building a bowling scorecard that accurately tracks user rolls and applies bonus modifiers where appropriate.

Full project details and user stories here.


  • All back-end logic and point scoring complete.
    • To add: conclude game.
    • To remove: doubleStrikeBonus after bonus applied.
  • Game accounts for triple strikes and all other modifiers.
  • All Jasmine tests passing.

Learning Outcomes

The Bowling Challenge was a difficult weekend project, mainly because the scoring logic and bonus modifiers are significantly more complex than they first appear. I closely followed a TDD process while building the scorecard, ensuring that I built the system methodically which is important as it becomes complex quickly. I'm concerned that I placed too much responsibility on the Scorecard model itself, and if I were to attempt this challenge again I would consider assigning these responsibilities to other objects (scoring & turn-keeping). Due to time constraints I was only able to build the back-end logic for this challenge, so the next step would be to implement a front-end interactive scorecard. I anticipate this would be less challenging than the back-end logic, and I would follow a similar process to the one I followed when building Thermostat.


Javascript & jQuery using Jasmine for testing.

Further Improvements

  • Integrate full interactive front-end.
  • Model could be split into sub-classes for scoring & turn-keeping.
  • Refactor scoring logic?