
Pidgey, or not pidgey, that is the question

Primary LanguageRuby

Much Ado About Pikachu

Build Status

Lightweight Rails API taking a Pokémon name and returning a Shakespearean description of that Pokémon.


Requests are made to the server in the format:

GET /pokemon/:pokemon

Where :pokemon is the intended Pokémon name in lowercase (note that spaces or irregular characters should be submitted with a substitute hyphen - i.e. Mr.Mime should be submitted as mr-mime)

Responses are returned as JSON in the format:

{ "name": "pokemon name", "description": "pokemon description" }

For instance, the following request:

GET /pokemon/octillery

Should return:

    "name": "octillery",
    "description": "The ink 't spits at which hour escaping is special. 't enwheels a substance yond dulls the sense of smelleth,  so pokémon with keen noses receiveth did lose."


This project makes use of two external APIs, PokéAPI and Shakespeare Translator, and is therefore restricted by the constraints of those services. As of April 2020, this means that Sword & Shield Pokémon are not included, with Shakespeare translations limited to 5 API calls per hour.


With a local Ruby installation, cd into the project directory and install dependencies:

$ gem install bundler
$ bundle install

Run the project locally on port 3000:

$ bundle exec rails server

Alternatively, this project contains a Dockerfile so that it can be run inside a container (get Docker). To get a server up and running:

$ docker build . -t pikachu
$ docker run -p 3000:3000 pikachu:latest

With a server running, requests can be made to localhost as follows:

GET http://localhost:3000/pokemon/:pokemon


Assuming the above Ruby and dependency installations are complete, test cases for this project can be run using:

$ bundle exec rspec