
A simple logging system for PHP

Primary LanguagePHP


-logging system for PHP


  • PHP error / file / mail outputs
  • type / text matching filters
  • simple, yet powerful configuration capabilities
  • a lightweight system that is quickly loaded and adds next to no weight to your project
  • seamlessly supports custom extensions


  • copy quiklog.php and quiklog.ini to your project
  • modify quiklog.ini to configure the logger
  • include the quiklog.php file somewhere
  • call qlogconf( 'quiklog.ini' ) to initialize the logger
  • log with qlog/qlog_* functions (example in test.php)

Usage (advanced)

  • initialize a logger instance with one of the static functions (fromIniFile/fromIniString)
  • handle initialization errors by checking if returned value is_string
  • add calls to the logging methods (log/logInfo/logWarning/logError)