
Root repo for HOTSLogs - used as a container for the main repos as submodules

Root Repo


Clone recursively:

git clone --recursive https://github.com/starkiller-llc/hotslogs.git


Load hotslogs-site/HeroesReplays.sln in Visual Studio and build


This is a bit more involved, there are 4 parts to the site (one is just a stub), you can run them by using these batch files:

  • runang.cmd
  • runapi.cmd
  • rundbs.cmd
  • runsite.cmd (this is the stub)

rundbs.cmd will require a docker setup. See the docker directory readme at hotslogs-site/docker.

runang.cmd will first require npm install to be run inside the hotslogs-site/Angular directory.

Good luck and have fun!