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项目仅依赖cfitsio、wcstools、astrometry.net,手动在Makefile完成配置后即可编译项目。 library目录包含这三个库在Ubuntu 22.04上的编译文件, 在Ubuntu 22.04上可以一键编译并测试createtable和crossmatch程序

在Ubuntu 22.04上只需执行以下3步:

  1. apt update & apt-get install libpq-dev libcfitsio-dev -y
  2. 修改config/create_table_database_config.txt中的数据库配置:host,port,dbname,user,password
  3. sh run.sh

install library:


apt-get install libpq-dev -y

apt install postgresql -y

psql -U postgres -d postgres -h localhost -W -W` 选项会提示你输入密码。 ALTER USER postgres WITH PASSWORD '123456';

select count(*) from ot_20160402;


在astrometry.net的安装依赖中会安装这个包:libcfitsio-dev export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/disk1/opt/svomproc/gwacdblc/gwacdblc/Squirrel/library/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}



make -j 2

make install

include和lib在libwcs中 cp library_src/wcstools-3.9.7/libwcs/*.a library/wcstools-3.8.5/lib/


sudo apt install build-essential curl git file pkg-config swig
libcairo2-dev libnetpbm10-dev netpbm libpng-dev libjpeg-dev
zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev libcfitsio-dev wcslib-dev
python3 python3-pip python3-dev
python3-numpy python3-scipy python3-pil


但是上面的依赖同时安装了libcfitsio-dev wcslib-dev,在编译crossmatch时,如果使用手动安装的cfitsio和wcslib或许会有冲突,这里后续需要优化。



apt install astrometry.net #是否安装了开发包?


Makefile is the Netbeans IDE's default auto compile. Makefile1 is used for manual compile.

to compile run command: make -f Makefile1

run example

./crossmatch -method sphere -grid 4,4 -errorRadius 0.06 -fitsHDU 3 -ref data/P_130112_25d4458_33d9878-210.Fcat -sample data/P_130112_25d4458_33d9878-119.Fcat -dbConfigFile data/database_config.txt -fluxSDTimes 1 ./crossmatch -method plane -g 4,4 -errorRadius 1.5 -searchRadius 50 -width 3096 -height 3096 -fitsHDU 3 -ref data/P_130112_25d4458_33d9878-210.Fcat -sample data/P_130112_25d4458_33d9878-119.Fcat -dbConfigFile data/database_config.txt -fluxSDTimes 1

netbeans run command for crassmatch "${OUTPUT_PATH}" -method plane -grid 4,4 -errorRadius 1.5 -searchRadius 50 -fitsHDU 3 -ref data/ref.Fcat -sample data/M3_05_141025_1_074020_0873.Fcat -dbConfigFile config/database_config.txt -width 3016 -height 3016 for createtable "${OUTPUT_PATH}" -c 20160402


1,remember add library/astrometry.net-0.38/lib to LD_LIBRARY_PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=project_path/library/astrometry.net-0.38/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}

2,install libpq-dev library to use postgres database for Ubuntu systems: sudo apt-get install libpq-dev for RHEL systems: yum install postgresql-devel for Mac: brew install postgresql

4, head file path RHEL: /usr/include/postgresql/libpq-fe.h

3,library path Ubuntu: /usr/lib/postgresql/9.3/ RHEL: /usr/include/postgresql



ERROR: Mismatch in the CFITSIO_SONAME value in the fitsio.h include file that was used to build the CFITSIO library, and the value in the include file that was used when compiling the application program: Version used to build the CFITSIO library = 10 Version included by the application program = 871916264

Fix this by recompiling and then relinking this application program with the CFITSIO library