Hi there, This is a public code repository for nagios plugins I've been writing since 2004. Most of these plugins have been available on my site, on nagios exchange and on monitoring exchange for years. On my site plugins and other nagios related material can be found at: http://william.leibzon.org/nagios/ On nagios exchange plugins and graphing templates can be found at: http://exchange.nagios.org/directory/Owner/willix/1 Git is updated more often than either of the above. On github there are two branches - master aand dev. Generally all plugins in the master branch are stable and you can download and use them. Dev branch may have code that is not ready yet and may not work at all. I merge dev into master evey few months. Each plugin has its own "README" and HELP in the header section before the code. Plugins are released under GPL 2.0 or GPL 3.0 License as specified in that header. Library code is released under LGPL. While I continue to accept patches by email as before, if you use git, I'll be happy to accept your contributions by pull requests too. If you're forking this repository please remember to sync your branch to my own regularly. If you need to reach me, email to: william@leibzon.org Thanks for reading and using my plugins, William